What Makes A Man?

quite a few months ago, i started noticing a small lump right between my right ear and the tip of my lower jaw, that little place in between that doesn't really have a name, but basically where you'd think the hindge of your jaw was there. it was a somewhat solid feeling thing, kind of like a softened jelly beam... i'd say it's about the size of a lima bean now. well...for the first few months i didn't even give it any time of day but i was concerned. so starting last summer, when i finally told my folks i had this thing, they became concenrned and took me to their doctor here in houston who advised me to get it checked out back at school. so i did, but my doctor was pretty adamant that it wasn't anything serious and "most likely" just an inflammed lymph node or even a pimple of some sort. he wouldn't authorize any more further more expensive tests. hmmm...
its an odd thing as it hurts sometimes in that kind of dull throbbing pain, usually when i'm tired or stressed though.... nothing to serious except once in a long while, it gives a sharp pain, like when you open your mouth too wide? haha. i'm not tooo concerned about it.
last spring break, when i went back to taiwan for spring break, my parents ordered a fancy schmancy "PET" scan and i also happened to get a CT scan as well. everything seemed normal but there was obviously something there. there wasn't any indication that it was cancer so much more sure than not, it's not a tumor. but no one seems able to tell me excatly what it is. so that is where i am now? oh well.... i guess i've done what i can and can at least be assured more or less that its not cancer (like the time i thought i had testicular cancer and it just turned out that i had been knocked in the knads once to many..haha).
but anyways, the point of this blog was to show the cool scans that i got. so that's what my brain looks like? yum... i see what hannibal was all about now. haha... just kidding.
its an odd thing as it hurts sometimes in that kind of dull throbbing pain, usually when i'm tired or stressed though.... nothing to serious except once in a long while, it gives a sharp pain, like when you open your mouth too wide? haha. i'm not tooo concerned about it.
last spring break, when i went back to taiwan for spring break, my parents ordered a fancy schmancy "PET" scan and i also happened to get a CT scan as well. everything seemed normal but there was obviously something there. there wasn't any indication that it was cancer so much more sure than not, it's not a tumor. but no one seems able to tell me excatly what it is. so that is where i am now? oh well.... i guess i've done what i can and can at least be assured more or less that its not cancer (like the time i thought i had testicular cancer and it just turned out that i had been knocked in the knads once to many..haha).
but anyways, the point of this blog was to show the cool scans that i got. so that's what my brain looks like? yum... i see what hannibal was all about now. haha... just kidding.

Oh geez Alex! My Dad's advice would be to push that lump back in and pretend it's not there! Haha...hope it's nothing. Maybe you should make a special trip to NY to have it checked out... ;)
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