
Skippin Class

yes... senioritis is not much better. i am oevrtly skipping class right now eventhough i could go without any difficulty. sigh....i just don't feel like sitting in class. i would rather sit down and type my blog as you can see.... well, maybe this is a concilliatory kind of thing, making myself believe that if i don't go to class, i should at least do something semi productive you know. actually it will probably be more productive than going to class you know... haha. anyways.... so what is there to blog about hmmmm?
well last i left you i think it was earlier this week and i was talking about my interesting weekend full of studio reviews and drunken moments and even a little action... oh my! haha. ok, well this week has been pretty routine i have to say... i've worked a lot actually, in terms of my part time administrative assistant job that is... almost a real part time job, at 15 hours. well, it's only 5 more hours than i usually work, but hey... i'm a busy guy. many of my days have been of this schedule though... wake, work part time job, go to studio/class, work on studio project till late. especially tuesday and wednesday nights i went home fairly late and got a good amount done... although i sort of brushed off my desk crit on thursday. i dunno, i think i am making good progress or decent progress in general and i'm not as frantic as i was becoming last week...so i think its good. i have only two other classes other than studio. real estate on wednesday was ok, a semi waste of time, but not too bad. actually pulled off an ok presentation just off the bat...oh wait.... actually on monday night i worked late as well... finishing stuff for that class. yeah this whole week so far has seen some late bed times.... 2:30ish on monday, 3:00 ish on tuesday, 4:30 ish on wednesday (bc i got caught up chatting online to random people haha), and then hmmm... 2:00ish on thursday... not because of work, just about the time i got messing around with email online and also i had outreach work that night). hmmmm.... and of course i am skipping my mother class today. haha.
speaking of outreach, so i went to embassy thursday night. god... they really were KIDS there. the crowd was soooo young...it really made me feel sort of out of place.... i even kind of got the feeling i was at a weird junior high roller skating party.... haha. i dunno, i didn't do much "outreach".... it was too loud and i didn't like these kids anyways. although my outreach buddies were fun conversation. i think i like club cafe more... even as a hangout place in general. although if you went to embassy, you really would need to dance dance dance. :) but in general, i think it was just that it made me feel old old old. heehee.
ok, what else. god...i sort of really had a boring week? well, next week will really be boring though since it will be production week for studio. monotonous schedules of work, eat, sleep, work, oh yeah... my two classes.... and more work. booo. great to look forward to. damn... i can't wait to finish this shit.


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