Too Much of a Good Thing

to put this in context, after coming back from philly on monday evening, i recuperated till tuesday afternoon and then flew to houston, spent a quick evening with my cousin chit chatting like old times, and then had an interview wednesday morning, that actually went really well. this was actually a second interview with this firm and with this one there was a definite commitment or shall i say recommitment to hiring me, and the statement that an offer letter was in the works. that's good! and surprisingly i got a better opinion of this firm this time around... i dunno, i think it won't be obvious where i land up. i mean, some places have the benefit of a great city, a great chance for a social life, a great potential for professional advancement, a great pay... i dunno... there isn't a "dream" job though... unfortuanately. it's sort of the flip side of "choices" i guess... speaking from someone who has in most of the major decisions in his life in terms of education and professional experience, has only had one real viable offer... this is the first time i might be able to entertain multiple viable offers, appealing in their own way. what to do! haha... i dunno even why i am saying that as i have just written a formal rejection letter to the one real physical offer (numbers included) that i had... an dnow technically... i have no job offers to entertain. haha.. ironic if all the other ones i am pursuing don't pan out... just my luck. i would even blink i'd think. knock on wood!
anyways, almost immediately after my interview was over i hopped on a taxi to go to the airport to fly back to boston, finally getting back at about 9 ish. it's funny, the next day i woke up at 4 am for a 6 am flight to dallas... which i was far more closer being in houston to... i know. but apparently united won't let you fly only half of your itenarary, and where as i had enough money for a short one way trip from houston to dallas, i don't think i could have forked over a trip from dallas back home to boston, if i ditched the original ticket... SUCKS! anyways, i got back and then did email and tried to get to bed as soon as possible. i think it was really my thursday trip that made me feel like a "flying professional". partially because i woke up, put on a suit, slung my messenger bag over, no other luggage, took a taxi to the airport, got on the plane, and flew to dallas, for a short 3 hour stay, and then flew back... getting back around midnight because of a delay in route. yes, felt very adult... in a mixed way as i suggested before. how did the interview itself go? good... yes, again... i am getting the feeling that making a choice between these jobs won't be obvious.
what is the shake out as far as i know now... minus actual offers of employment? well... assuming everyone actually wants me (i hope at least someone wants me)... the strongest points for each place... are well... philly is a rocking town... i think i would really love "living" there. and having friends there and being close to NYC is a major plus... not much need for overt legwork in forming that all important social life. houston... professional development, the firms in houston (both of them i am entertaining) really feel like places i can grow professionally. dallas... similar to houston but not as obvious of a growth potential. and actually i am technically interviewing with a lagging firm here in boston, but i think they missed the boat really. nyc? i had ideas once but again, i think "i" missed the boat on that one.
today was my one full day in cambridge this week. ahhhh... yes, being able to just be stationary. haha. it was fun in a strange way rediscovering old habits... like working out and playing squash... going to felipes... and going out with my new boy. heehee. tonight we're going to "watch videos"... haha... actually i think that is exactly what we are going to do. funny enough, we had a "talk" that basically amounted to us agreeing that this "thing" should be as low stress as possible... and him also saying that it takes a "long time" for him to get to know someone... and in the same light... to jump in the sack with. and you know what's funny? i didn't really mind in a weird way. haha, there definitely have been moments in my life where if a guy really told me that, i would have been.... see ya! but i dunno, i like this guy just in terms of hanging out, and like i said, i'm in search of "romance" nowadays... not necessarily sex. sex is usually easy, but not always satisfying, or if so... somewhat complicated. i was chatting with that guy i had a crush on previously and totally... i think out of habit... flirting with him again, and then i dunno... i realized how tired i was from flying the whole day... and the flirtation immediately evaporated. haha... he even said it was somewhat cold for me to tease like that... leave him hanging. maybe it was also a sly tactic... having figured out that he responds better to the "hard to catch" tactic. haha... i still have a mind to get him into bed at least one more time before the end of the semester... and since it seems i'm not getting ass by this other guy i am dating... hmm....
dating and job interviewing seem somehow strangely similar after saying that.
i am looking forward to tomorrow. tomorrow night that is. it will be GSD's "Beaux Arts Ball"... which this year they've decided to thematically render as a "Victorian del'Arte Ball". cute! so is my outfit. i made a tophat today that is so fucking gay. i will be going as a classy pink and white willy wonka... ha... fucking great! will show pics, so stay tuned for that.
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