
Lack of a Good Title

hey folks, time for another installment of my so called life. hmmm... what to write about? you know, sometime i think when i write in retrospect as oppose to as close to the moment as possible, there is this sort of initial blase attitude towards everything. i'll try to avoid that even though right now i feel like this blog is more of a chore than an inspiration. you see... i need you my faithful readers to goad me on to continue writing about all the little shenanigans i have been experiencing in my life. haha.
anyways, this was my second week at work... and yes... i survived. actually, this week, i really began feeling the groove of things i think. i'm still working on this mixed use proposal but this week, i was able to really get down and dirty with some actual design... still very conceptual that is, and technically just lots of photoshop collaging, but still... it was interesting... designing minature cities and all. this is exactly what i wanna do right? haha, i actually had a "review" on thursday and it was pretty helpful... work with the land when manipulating water.... good. it requires some reworking of my precious schemes... but hey... thats what you gotta do.
and here's a little tidbit of observation. on thursday "pinup", the other two guys i am working with (well, not really working with since they individually are proposing things for the other two sites, the client in total wants three proposals for three sites)... i'm getting the impression that i'm putting a LOT more effort than the other two. there are two possibilities... one, that being a harvardian... i am just naturally the hot shit...or.... i'm not the hot shit... and i just did so much work because i had nothing else to do... that is... no other projects to juggle like the other guys. hmmm... probably a mix of both. today, i was talking to my supervisor who kind of gave me the notion that my palcement on certain projects was to really sort of scope out things that the pricipals thought i'd be interested in and also valuable in... which makes me feel good. its good to be noticed.
so yeah... in general, work is allright... actually no... more than allright... pretty good actually. the only kind of crappy day i had was friday basically because i was just feeling lazy and didn't want to do any work... haha. pure and simple just procrastination. even started surfing the web a little... mind you... no porn or ebay or email... just possibly legit stuff related to site research... haha... like houston squash and raquetball clubs! anyways.... yeah... this week wasn't too bad...and the best part was... I GOT PAID! and i got my freaking bonus... YES! watch the money roll in... heehee.
some of my time after work this week was devoted to trying to sign up for my FREE gym membership at the downtown Y... and today i finally got it. i got the tour the other day and i have to say, i was thoroughly impressed... the place really had pretty much everything i would want... well, not squash courts... but they do have raquetball courts! and i signed up for raquetball lessons as well. i've got a mind to lose some pounds before i move into my new house... new house... inside and out! anyways... they also have a a pool, and a great weights area and cardio and all that jazz, classes up the wazoo, and not that i would use it, but a baskteball court and all that funky medina. anyways, its a nice place... old building, but stocked with stuff. and mind you... some cute guys around too... lots of old fat farts... but a number of cutie's definitely. YUM.
unfortuanetly however, most of my evening were pretty predictable. lots of wasting time online. yeah, i have to admit it... i spend way to much time online on you know what. and the sad thing is... i'm usually just browsing. its not like i get all that many messages and even the ones i do get, its not like i end up meeting that many people. although, i could, but for various reasons i haven't acted on meeting some potentially really cool guys for friends. i have met one guy... and friday evening, i really lucked out because he invited me, and some other friends to share these suite tickets he had for an astro's game. let alone not seeing baseball in a stadium all that much... but chilling in a suite with free beer and food! DAMN! I tried the supposedly texas tradition of a frito pie... i'll let you ponder that. oooye... indigestion later. but it was fun. the game lasted to the 11th inning...we decided to jet before... and thank god... because eventually home team... LOST! that would have been a bummer.
i guess i can't say my whole evenings have been a waste. i have actually also started piecemeal brushing up on my chinese actually... by listening to some tapes on chinese sayings in the morning... a usefull 30 minute drive as opposed to quickly getting tired of my CD's... and then reading some chinese short stories in the evenings... sometimes. its slow and i don't understand jack the first time usually.... but with repetition and practice, its coming along. anyways, my goals are just to expand my vocabulary and my exposure to the language... not necessarily at all to learn to read... or write. i just want more spoken and listening capability i guess.
of course, not all my time has been educational either... as i suggested before with my obvious addiction to manhunt..... ok, addiction is too strong a word... let's say... habit. but it does have its benefits as thursday i also had another first in my repotoire of experiences. again, its one of those moments i wish blogger had a private, black out mode... but let's say one should use their imagination with a surgical glove and crisco. haha... it was interesting... even a little fun... eye-opening as well as opening of other things. FFun. ;-)
and the weekend? well... there was the astro's on friday. saturday was a FULL day devoted to basically parents' temple activities. the "pope" in their religion basically came to town... and you know obviously the shit hits the fan when that happens. so the whole day was involved at the temple... actually often, kind of just waiting around... as we didn't really have specific tasks... kind of just like filler help. it was absolutely CRAZY though i have to say. thank god... or the pope, that we were relieved of any obligation on sunday. sunday was a little slow paced. waking up deliciously late... then having pho and then going to the MFAH and getting my membership finally so i can feel all special and shit! and then having dinner and watching a silly movie called John Tucker Must Die... entertaining although un-noteworthy. ahhh... and that was my weekend!
not too bad. i've started this week off well i think. work was ok, i was told a more specific date for my china vist... third week in august, for about 4-5 days... rocking! and i worked out! only 15 minutes on the elliptical and then i was winded... but also swam a measley 3 laps but oh well.... who am i trying to impress?? the fat ugly old men checking me out in the shower?? haha. for god sakes, it's the YMCA!! in general, life's not too bad.


At 4:07 PM, Blogger Robert said...

Hey Alex - thanks for the Buddha Board! I am going to make a card for my ex-office mate Joan. Call me! What to hear what's going on.


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