What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas / Gotta Keep It Going

so the short work week that led up to the vegas visceral voodoo? well, being just monday, tuesday, and wednesday, there really isn't much to report. work was pretty much incolved in preparing for the weekend, but since on my project most of the design work was already done.. honestly there wasn't all that much to do. there is one thing i have to report though and that i think... i think... i am making a good impression in the eyes of my immediate surpervisor and also my "sponsoring" principal. so kudos on that....expecting to make associate within a year so there ya go.
i had a psuedo raquetball lesson as well and was able to work out and hit the pool. of late, i really taken to using the whirlpool due to the relaxing and strong hot jets... despite the fact id on't understand why you must get into the hot tub naked... guys...come on... put it away! haha. i mean... unless you're hot... haha... although i have to report that hot men do exist at the Y,a nd i've had the perverse provledge to shower with them and scope em out... haha. other than work and working out, can't say much about the short week... the night before my trip... i thought i would go to bed early but haha... no such luck, due to my online addiction. man, i gotta curtail this because its sort of begginning to drain at work... i mean, i think i get 6 or 7 so hours... but i'm begginning to think i need a solid 8!
anyways! VEGAS! so.... after having tow ake up at like 4:30 AM to go meet my co worker.. sam... who you will hear ALOT more about! (and who in a funny way physically reminds me of my ex...also named sam weirdly enough)... well.. in turns out we still weren't there early enough for our 7:30 flight! why? well, it seems that there might have been a 9/11 like attempt on the airlines today so all liquids and gels were not allowed on carryons.... everything like hair gel, beverages, any sort of liquids... nope nope nope. obviously also with the increased security this made everything just silly and lines were crazy. well, eventually we were just told we weren't gonna make it and we got booked on a second flight... no biggie though, we eventually got to vegas and to the client's office. the next four five hours were a snoozer i have to say. business business business. it was interesting though how business orientated some of the clients were... saying basically... how much will this really cost... do i have to really afford this... and can't we not make it so nice? haha.... why hire someone like my firm if you can't believe... and pay... for a bit of more unconventional (but not necessarily more expensive) design?? anyways... it was a pretty boring meeting and i had to fight off a little bit of the snoozies. there were some classic lines though... and this will begin a weekend of classic lines from vegas.... lines that me and sam found hilarious.. mostly sam, since i'm begginning to think he's an ADHD pyscho... but fun!
(speaking of residential development as oppose to retail) "just MAX it out!"
(after clicking on his calculator) "it cost ninety nine million dollars!"
yes...esoteric... but this is my blog! well... we wevntually wrapped up the meeting, said goodbye to our supervisor who was leaving back to houston and hitched a ride with the secretary...a funky.. somewhat troubling young girl, by the name of Savannah... who was also the cousin of one of the clients and the daughter of some local high roller (this is las vegas). anyways, she refered us to some clubs and bars that we just have to see but i dunno... my first impression of this girl was cracked out skank... to be blunt.... but she sounded like she knew where to go to have a fun time in this town. keep her in my back pocket.
the first thing on the agenda though was sleep... and ricardo... the much more quieter other co-worker who also came with... apparently needed it ALOT more than i or sam did. so we snoozed about an hour and then me and sam were eager to explore. oh... wait, first i forgot to mention what luxurious hotel we were staying in... the MGM Grand... ala the Green Giant, Emerald City, what have you. in general it was nice... not as nice as Paris, or Ceasars Palace, Bellagio, the ultra themed hotels, but hey $50 a night in Las Vegas.... what do you expect? anyways, so sam and i explored the labythinian MGM first, and eventually settled on some cheap hot dog place... as opposed to "Joel Rubichon" with the pre fixe at $215... haha. what makes this funny is that i ended up spending about that much liquoring it up later this evening... but that's to come folks. anyways, this relatively quiet time with sam picking his brain.
i found out he's a fellow tennessean boy, which i daresay was pretty cool. in a nut shell he seems to be a "above average" smarts guy, nothing stellar, but far from dumb... seems to be very open minded about things... and genuinely nice and considerate... with a definite fun streak and mischeavious demeanor... i think you can see it in the smile. but overall.... a good guy. he's one of those guys you actually would enjoy getting drunk with... and the author of my the phrase that titles my blog.... "Gotta Keep It Going!"
anyways... we went to go check out hotel lobbies... the first big one really being the bellagio with its cool dale chihuly glass installation... which was cool. then the munchies and well.. the drinkies hit and that where it starts a grand litany of cocktails for the rest of the evening. but originally we were just hungry but the first place that we actually thought we could afford initially told us they didn't serve alcoholic drinks (which i soon realized in Las Vegas is impossible!)...so we went to this cute little piano bar next door.... and when i say next door... i mean simply on teh other side of the wall... in the same huge room as all the slot machines! haha. all good fun. anyways... after a fantastic martino... two.... and some good conversation about work and stuff... it was actually pretty fun chatting with sam i have to say.... then we realized that liquor, despite all its wonders...can't fend off real hunger that long. so went back to the previous restaurant, sat down, and see the first thing on the menu... mixed drinks. hmmm... no harm... we had a drink with dinner.
then after that we continued out tour of hotels and went to teh sprawling complex of ceasars palace where eventually after seeing some cool clubs and bars decided to see if maybe we could hook up with the crazy secretray we met before who seemed all to eager to please... she had given sam her number but somehow he lost it but she had told us she was going to this club called rio and that she could get us in...so we thought what the heck. we got to rio... realized the dress code was super strict...or not allowing of my shorts (it was fucking hot though!) and so to console our losses...we hit back two beers at the nearest bar... maybe 100 feet away. haha... after getting a good buzz, i decided to try stealing an extra shot of liquor... and whilst the bartendar on the other side of the bar... i smoothly grabbed the nearest bar and poured myself a shot... unfortunately it was gin... which is just gross. oh well.. that was a fun experience. i was already sporting a nice buzz and at that time... 2 AM... i was thinking, this is good... i can't drink anymore even if i wanted to.... alas i found out there are no such things as real last calls in las vegas.... the alcohol is ever flowing!
and this is the first time sam utters.... Gotta Keep It Going! Man, we are going to a strip club! haha... silly straight boys... i thought as i rolled my eyes. but i dunno... i was thinking... this could be interesting..... since i've never been to one... but i wasn't gonna chime in and say... fuck yeah. eventually after rio, we walked up the street to the palms (ala real world.. the everyone is a slut installement) and tried to go to the tower top bar called Ghostbar... but it was closed.... boo. so to console ourselves... guess what.... two more drinks at the bar 100 feet away. and then sam chimes in... gotta keep it going (if you haven't realized, this refers to keeping the "night' going... sam was intent on having an all out las vegas experience... it was his first time in town, what can you say)... let's go to a strip club... and he was serious.
10 minute taxi ride away and an interesting diversion of plans from the "spearmint rhino" to "seamless"... thanks to the greasing of the cabbie...we arrive at well.. my first strip club. sam though was a veteran. now we were there for probably two hours.... and it was very interesting how it worked and now... as a gay man... i can completely understand why straight men find strip clubs so enticing. honestly its not the exposed titties or gyrating bodywork.. you know what it is. its the fact that the "workers" there make men think they are men. seriously... never in my life... and i hope never in my "real" life have i not had to wait any more than five minutes for a not half bad.. to definitely hot girl... to just come up to me and talk to me as if i were the center of her universe. of course... every time this happened, and she didn't get the message i wasn't interested, i just had to chat up the fact that i was playing on the other team and that her flirtation was really useless. haha. however, one did bear my curiosity for a while and chatted for a decent while and found my situation understandable and probably a nice break from the crap she has to go through all the time.
sam... well... let's just say he found something to occupy his time for the two hours we were there. i won't say i had a bad time... it was.. interesting... like a discovery channel program. but i am glad that sam came up and said...
"dude we gotta go, i got no money left."
oh this is a little while after he had also said
"ok, i'm gonna go try pick up a whore."
at seamless i downed about four drinks, smoked too many cigarettes, and actualy for the first time of my life, but a girl that wasn't a friend... a drink (at her request though!).
now it was pushing 6 AM and sam was finally satiated... hey... straight boys are easy aren't that? we got back to the MGM and found breakfast.... good stuff... and waxed nostalgic about the previous occurences that were actually pretty fun... and this led up the classic closing phrase for the 12 hour spree of debauchery we just went through....
(350 pound balck man seeing me with a pile of finished chicken wing bones on my plate)... "Boy, you cleaned them bones!"
and immediately after...sitting at his booth... "so, when do the buffet offically start?" (note...this was about 7 AM)
ricardo was up! haha.... he sort of switche shifts we us and went out a bit while sam and i snoozed till 2 PM... god...what a hang over when i woke up! then starts the second day... which in sam's eyes...was gonna outshine the first... ha. we chilled a bit and then i went to a one stop shop for various souvenirs for guys back home... from fuzzy dice to "custom fit condoms" for whoever name you can find printed... haha. all three of us eventually met up at the bellagio again for the famous bellagio buffet... which although grand in scale... hmmm... wasn't all that great. oh well... at least we sat for two of the maximun three hours we could sit... haha.
after the bellagio we walked up the strip to the wynn... which supposedly cost a billion dollars to build... well... it could have after seeing it inside... it really was very nice. ok... so after that we finally met savanah at a club in paris (the hotel mind you). it was actually a lot of fun i have to say... the girl is pyscho... picture a little pixie kind of girls... looks like she's cracked out... acts like she's OD'd on adderol... and to top it off... is on crutches from some weird shark accident... so she says. hmmm? we also met a group of fun aussies as well which we dragged tothe rio... redux. this time there was no crowd though but at least there was room to dance. and boy did i dance... i grinded with savanah like there was no tomorrow... but hey... she came out every five minutes... what can i do. sam was smart enough to avoid the whole thing and go play slots... which was very smart... seeing the ass actually won like $550 on them! with $20 too... haha... what a fuck!
eventually the rio was only so much fun and two heavy drinks made it more fun. we finally went back to the grand... and in trying to decide what to do at 4AM (the idea of the spearmint rhino was immediately vetoed by me... ain't gonna do that again!) we eventually landed on the idea of a neat bar in the Grand... and damn... two kamikaze later.... i was toast! i think i drank so much so quick because i knew it was the only way to end the evening. and mind you, the pyscho bitch savannah was still with us and i think sam was getting annoyed as well. haha... why we had her come with us to our room to wake up ricardo (who had left us earlier)...i dunno why. but i have a funny video of us "sneaking" into the room and having savannah pounce on ricardo's bed and gyrate... haha (he's wife and kid are gonna love that!) all in good fun.. and hey... what happens in vegas, stays in vegas.
of course... so did savannah... stay in our room that is. why i decided to have another glass if wine when i was obviously toasted already? i dunno... all i remember was hurling it back up a few times and just crawling to bed while savannah was barking...
"come on guys... don't sleep on me!"
whatever... even when she roused us a little at 8AM saying she needed to go... i was like..whatever.
ahhh...and that was vegas. the following day was uneventful and boring as it involved mostly sleeping at the airport and sleeping on the plane home.
and so was my weekend in vegas.... haha... sam's a riot. "Gotta Keep It Going!"
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