
Back to China

so from the title of this blog you might surmise that i am going (or have gone) back to china again. the former would be correct, since i leave for china this upcoming friday for another week long trip that will end with a day or two free time in yet to be determined fabulous asian city. the default will be Hong Kong but as i am in the process of seeing if the company travel agent can land me a good "layover" deal in tokyo.... i'm still crossing my fingers to visit another place i've never been. similar to hong kong, this completely taking the opportunity presented disregarding the fact... or actually really assuming the position that this will be a rare occurence for my company to send me abroad... and squeezing everything out of it i can. i think this proposed extra 2 days in tokyo is kind of silly from a personal finances point of view because i seriously am aching for funds now but again... its the mentality that this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity so why not dip into the savings for such ... things like travel, experiences, and fancy dining are my weekness ... material things like iphones or such i can usually convince myself out of easily. of course it just ocured to me actually that with all this company reimbursed flying, i still manage to get all the mileage from both the flight itself and also purchasing the flight ... and just checking my mileage account, i've alreday garnered enough for a free international flight ... maybe i really shouldn't spread myself thin? we'll see.... as the tixs are set now i still ahve two days free so its either a hotel stay in hong kong or a hotel stay in tokyo... we'll see how the tokyo layover fare is. there's middle ground.
in other news, work strangely enough has seemed "revived" a little bit. i've just been put on yet another project where it the managing principal made the comment that i was put on it "specifically" for what i could offer ... as opposed to just "creative labor" so to speak ... which is refreshing. maybe its just the agglomeration of things but there's a new sense of "professionalism" with my job in the sense of this travel, client interaction, heading in-house commitees on the firm approach to "green" practice... something more befitting someone on teh verge of turning 30. omg, am i growing up? noooooo.
my parents visited me this past weekend, and for a change, i spent the weekend (what of it that was free) with them as opposed to another "party" with my friends. i love my friends but shaking it up is quite nice i have to say ... even if it is with your folks. i've also made the decision that in terms of my social life, i'm going to try to "get out there" a bit more. make some more new friends and broaden my circle a little bit ... and like robert laments... fucking get some SINGLE friends. the comments of "why don't you have a boyfriend" from coupled friends are starting to get old... seriously.
does no-one really believe in the phrase "happily single"? or yet another level ... "happily NOT dating"?
i ruminated about getting back into the "dating" pool so to speak but somehow something inside me still says that there are some other things more important to focus on first ... like really getting started on my licensure tests (which has become the #1 topic of discussion... or lecturing to be more precise... from my parents) and getting out there in the sense of making more friends... like real friends.
a funny aside but now that i am "regularly" going to the gym, i get to see a lot more guys just in general. now, believe it or not, i don't really have the habit of "checking people out". chalk it up to my usual non-observance of anything not directly in front of me or occupying my immediate attention ... but seriously. i may glance here or there at a cute guy but i thinks its both rude and declasse to stare and on the flip side of that coin (or some other coin really) i think i don't have the balls to deal with the situation if the guy in question stares back. i "feel" this sentiment periodically when i "feel" like a guy is checking me out. hmmm... how does one say this without sounding like he thinks he's all that? basically, my horribly shyness i think makes me completely shut-down if i feel like i'm being checked out. instead of taking it as a compliment, i notice myself tensing up, putting on an ice queen face, mostly so that the other guy will "think" i'm not interested and stop staring. does that make sense?? of course, you are speaking to someone who has no "game" what-so-ever when it comes to meeting strangers... so what do i know.
in a strange way, that feeling is related to what i feel was one of my most proud (or just novel) achievements while traveling last in hong kong. at the various bars and clubs i was out ... since i was in a situation i hardly EVER find myself in (being by myself in a bar/club (or any social situation for that matter)and knowing no-one) i actually struck up conversations with complete strangers ... with relative sucess i might add. but then again, i should also say that i chose relatively "safe" targets in the sense that it would be easy for me to NEVER give off the impression that i was just trying to pick them up ... i.e. i chatted up a couple and a man old enough to be my father's eldest brother... haha. maybe next time i might challenge myself to actually try to "pick up" a guy ... that seriously would be a big move.
i know i'm almost 30 and way past any semblance of being a "newbie" on the scene, but i have to admit that i think i can count on one hand the times that i have been the "chaser" so to speak. well ... and old dog can still learn (or do) new "tricks".... haha. man that was more than just an "aside".
so anyways, my next issue may describe an exciting tryst in Shingjinku (Tokyo) or Mong Kok (Hong Kong)... or for that matter bumfuck Inner China. fuck... my life is awfully fabulous lately isn't it? haha! yeah right.


At 6:21 PM, Blogger Robert said...

Oh Alex, you TOTALLY have game, trust me. ;) You're f'ing fierce! Have a safe trip!


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