
Dinner and a Movie

last night i hung out with sam and some of his friends and had a pretty good time. i had been reading alll day yesterday and it was one of those days that your eyes feel swollen (and actually today i think they really are, i.e. i have some sort of under eyelid infection...ewww) so you can't read fairly effectively. anyways, i struggled through despite the fact and eventually at least finished my housing reading. then i met sam and we went to see a movie first. we went to the commons theatre and watched this steve martin/claire danes/jason schwartzman (he is soooo cute!) movie called shopgirl that was very thoughtfully done. in general it was a love story of sorts, the ones that in some ways i guess a typical young person moving to a large metrapolis from more humbler begginnings can always sort of empathize with. that sort of estrangement or lost in the crowd feeling can be quite numbing to life, i know. anyhow the movie was slow at times but it was the nature of the script i think but overall it had its great moments.
and despite how sort of glossed over over-narations are, it did say directly a few poignant things to the effect that you can't really just love "part" of a person, in order to truly love, you must be able to want the "all" of them. and i think that's true in many cases where for one reason or another we try to compartmentalize the relationships we have with some people... they are good for me for that, good for me for this. it's ultimately quite selfish but its what we do to sort of try to have our cake and eat it to, to sort of not have to deal with the parts of people we don't like but still to have them around because we feel lonely and there are some thing about them we really do like. the rub in the end is to find someone i guess who you like "enough" to then take on the whole individual. of course "enough" is always the point in question. and as the narrator said, the original lover of claire dane's character lossed out because in the end he could not offer what the possibly lesser (in potential) character of dane's second lover was willing to offer, that is... all of himself, something genuinely tender and true.
falling in love is dangerous. that's why it's only good on film. ;-)
after the movie, we met up with some of sam's friends and had a quaint italian dinner in the north end at this restaurant called pomodoro. we had to wait for a distinctly long time and the restaurant made a serious faux pax of seating a group of five who came after us and had no reservations before our group of seven that did have reservations. but after we finally got in, it was good times in general, nice laid back people, some good various conversation, a little circus antics as one person accidentally tipped a candle on a sconce and the wax then fell on someone else's hair...ooohhh. but overall, good food, and nice conversation. on the way back i talked for a little bit with one of sam's friends and met the first person i know from the harvard extension school, oh my.
alas, now today is supposedly work work work. unfortunately more reading and maybe some studio work, maybe... heh heh. some attempt at a paper possibly? i can't wait for thanksgiving to tell you the truth. a little time away in NYC with good friends and just chilling out. haha, i should start working out again so i can create a little buffer for all that food food and food.


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