The Fabulous Life of The Rich and Famous
hey folks. if there are any that is. i have learned that robert has suspended his blog for the moment, feeling his blog was getting kind of one note. oh well, guess he's the smarter man who can listen to the music i guess. on the other hand, i am a sado-masochistic fellow who loves both torturing myself with my mundane life as well as unknowing readers. haha...evil laugh!
so i continue my existence here in texas. so so... so so. i finished my first week at my three week job and came out relatively unscathed. the best thing i have to say about this gig is that it has a great schedule...working 9 hours for four days a week (which really isn't much more than 8 hours you know, if you have a decent amount of stuff to do) and then on fridays, its a half day. whoopee doo actually is pretty cool. on friday, i accompanied my project manager to a punch list meeting that was more or less mundane... as most punch list meetings are. and then after getting treated to lunch by my pm, i called it a day...and it was just about 1:00. nice huh? i spent the rest of the afternoon loitering in barnes and nobles and doing some listless galleria strolling. ended up with two pairs of pants. man i have a love affair with slacks. i swear i think i have about 30 pairs that a love affair yet?
i have something on my mind. and it comes up a lot when i come back to texas to work. and in a nutshell, its the feeling i feel, either self projected or real, of a certain way people may tend to treat me or regard me after hearing of my i "ivy" breeding. that is, when they hear the "harvard" word, its like automatically a switch in personality. or maybe that's just what i feel, or maybe i have just got to learn to roll with the punches of all the smart harvard guy jokes. haha. oh well, that's just part of life i guess. i remember when i was taking some summer classes at uh or those professional application courses at hccs, and i let people know that i was just ona break from cornell. at least with texas... they are sort of like... hmmm? i think i have heard of that school...isn't that a pretty good school? hmm.. yeah, its not bad. now that i say harvard? geez, bada bing bada bang! no escaping it. sometimes i make quick judgements and just say i am going to school in boston. and actually i plain out lied once and said i went to boston u. i dunno, sometimes i feel like people feel they are inaccessible to me when they see the harvard glow. and anyone who knows me, probably will certify that i can be pretty dumb sometimes. anyways, its not all bad...sometimes the harvard ding really does perk people's attention... in a good way.
but on to other things. the title of my blog entry has to do with what me and the folks did over the weekend. so just some background information. my parents right now are sort of in "semi-retirement". they plain to basically fully retired after i graduate grad school...which is fast approaching folks... ahhh!! anyways, after that they are planning to move up to dallas and build basically a retirement home on a plot of land that they have actually already bought. and its quite a lovely place actually...very bucolic and pastoral with rolling green hills, lake view, all that jazz. actually a pretty nice place for a house you know. however, knowing my parents, it won't "just" be a house. with a smidge of exxageration, my folks are basically planning on building something of a "religious compound"... meaning their retirement house will also have a "temple" attached and "common rooms" and a "dorm wing" for "retreat-tees". in sounds very waco-ish in a way, you must admit. but you gotta know my folks... they are eccentric sometimes, but ultimately good folks, who deserve all the good stuff in the world...because they are probably the most generous and charitable folks i know...serious.... sniff sniff.
so. basically this weekend we went looking at "big" houses to get a rough idea or to get ideas in general about what such a monstrosity of a house might look like. a rough estimate of needed square feet right now racks in about at least 6000 to anything like 10,000 depending on how extensive their idea of the "compound" really is. anyways...big house. the houses we were shown by an oh so stereotypical realtor..."oh, i have something that you must see... it is absolutely fabulous!" were all pretty upscale abodes... none cheaper than 1 million... which on the houston market is definitely a "bling bling" house (in comparison to the so cal market where it might be just...hmmm... middle class) anyways, some of the houses we saw were in truth kind of gross... old nasty 1950's ranch houses with tacky flagstone flooring and horrendous sliding doors everywhere and wood paneling...eewww. however some of the other houses we saw were quite the.... architectural digest wanna be's. thank god my parents had some decent taste to lean towards the latter. wheew.... that's another thing about the folks. questionable taste... like me... haha! one house we saw... an elegant, demure 6000 sqft mini mansion racked in at just under 3 million... but was oh so gorgeous. its all in the details babe. it's the antique french wrough iron powder room sink harware...above a rough stone cut floating basin. it's the bronze spacing detail between the ebony stain hardwood parquetry... ummm. it's gonna make me cum. anyways, my point is that, although on the small scale (actually the house had a "guest wing" that added another 2000 sqft to actually it was pretty large)... the house had...quality.
the funny thing about seeing houses is...especially ones where the family hasn't move out that you see photos of strange families and when you have a face to put to the fabulous life of the rich and maybe not famous, its so weird. especially when you see the "kids" and you're like... what spoiled bitches. haha. one to speak, alex.
the rest of my weekend was fairly uneventful. i had something of a 48 hour sinus cold, which was fairly quickly alleviated after i stopped being a scientologist and decided to take medication... whence i found out that no longer can you get sinus medicine on the shelf... i think the crystal meth labs in texas have really gotten out of hand....wheewww. anyways, after i gave my id and social security number and bank account...kidding..i finally got my drugs. now all i need is some drano and matches and i can get high.... haha...don;t i wish. so yeah...i had a sinus cold, but didn't stop me from my usual banal happenings in my life. my parents friends....aunty annie and her husband...whatever i should call him (chinese people are i never knew what to call him so i just kind of ignore him)...cooked up a storm. and damn...they are fucking good cooks. anyways... had a great dinner. sunday night i went to go see "memoirs of a geisha". hmm... kind of slow...but overall it was good. and the whole asian with blue eyes thing....cooool. i wonder if i could pull that one off...haha.
anyways, time to sign off. i finished my last paper last week and this week's "task" is to start doing pages for my work "portfolio"....ahhh.... more and more work. but honestly, this old boy would be bored silly without such things to do. oh one more thing...i checked out studio options for this coming studio...not bad buddy. which one do you think i "should" go to.... ultimately its out of my hands since its a "lottery".... but the choices.... London, Seoul, Somewhere in Spain, Dubai, Beijng, Somewhere in Brazil....not too shabby. i was thinking i shoudl rank my choices according to hospitable weather. why not a studio in the bahamas man?
my claim to richness and famousness... my collection of mid century vintage designer chairs. 1) Circa 1970 Eames "bucket" chair with bone color vinyl covering, reproduction rockers. 2) Circa 1970 Plycraft Norman Cherner "Pretzel" Arm Chair, excellent condition, partial label.... and my pride and joy 3) pre 1945 "pre-production" Eames LCW, excellent structural condition, minor chips.

so i continue my existence here in texas. so so... so so. i finished my first week at my three week job and came out relatively unscathed. the best thing i have to say about this gig is that it has a great schedule...working 9 hours for four days a week (which really isn't much more than 8 hours you know, if you have a decent amount of stuff to do) and then on fridays, its a half day. whoopee doo actually is pretty cool. on friday, i accompanied my project manager to a punch list meeting that was more or less mundane... as most punch list meetings are. and then after getting treated to lunch by my pm, i called it a day...and it was just about 1:00. nice huh? i spent the rest of the afternoon loitering in barnes and nobles and doing some listless galleria strolling. ended up with two pairs of pants. man i have a love affair with slacks. i swear i think i have about 30 pairs that a love affair yet?
i have something on my mind. and it comes up a lot when i come back to texas to work. and in a nutshell, its the feeling i feel, either self projected or real, of a certain way people may tend to treat me or regard me after hearing of my i "ivy" breeding. that is, when they hear the "harvard" word, its like automatically a switch in personality. or maybe that's just what i feel, or maybe i have just got to learn to roll with the punches of all the smart harvard guy jokes. haha. oh well, that's just part of life i guess. i remember when i was taking some summer classes at uh or those professional application courses at hccs, and i let people know that i was just ona break from cornell. at least with texas... they are sort of like... hmmm? i think i have heard of that school...isn't that a pretty good school? hmm.. yeah, its not bad. now that i say harvard? geez, bada bing bada bang! no escaping it. sometimes i make quick judgements and just say i am going to school in boston. and actually i plain out lied once and said i went to boston u. i dunno, sometimes i feel like people feel they are inaccessible to me when they see the harvard glow. and anyone who knows me, probably will certify that i can be pretty dumb sometimes. anyways, its not all bad...sometimes the harvard ding really does perk people's attention... in a good way.
but on to other things. the title of my blog entry has to do with what me and the folks did over the weekend. so just some background information. my parents right now are sort of in "semi-retirement". they plain to basically fully retired after i graduate grad school...which is fast approaching folks... ahhh!! anyways, after that they are planning to move up to dallas and build basically a retirement home on a plot of land that they have actually already bought. and its quite a lovely place actually...very bucolic and pastoral with rolling green hills, lake view, all that jazz. actually a pretty nice place for a house you know. however, knowing my parents, it won't "just" be a house. with a smidge of exxageration, my folks are basically planning on building something of a "religious compound"... meaning their retirement house will also have a "temple" attached and "common rooms" and a "dorm wing" for "retreat-tees". in sounds very waco-ish in a way, you must admit. but you gotta know my folks... they are eccentric sometimes, but ultimately good folks, who deserve all the good stuff in the world...because they are probably the most generous and charitable folks i know...serious.... sniff sniff.
so. basically this weekend we went looking at "big" houses to get a rough idea or to get ideas in general about what such a monstrosity of a house might look like. a rough estimate of needed square feet right now racks in about at least 6000 to anything like 10,000 depending on how extensive their idea of the "compound" really is. anyways...big house. the houses we were shown by an oh so stereotypical realtor..."oh, i have something that you must see... it is absolutely fabulous!" were all pretty upscale abodes... none cheaper than 1 million... which on the houston market is definitely a "bling bling" house (in comparison to the so cal market where it might be just...hmmm... middle class) anyways, some of the houses we saw were in truth kind of gross... old nasty 1950's ranch houses with tacky flagstone flooring and horrendous sliding doors everywhere and wood paneling...eewww. however some of the other houses we saw were quite the.... architectural digest wanna be's. thank god my parents had some decent taste to lean towards the latter. wheew.... that's another thing about the folks. questionable taste... like me... haha! one house we saw... an elegant, demure 6000 sqft mini mansion racked in at just under 3 million... but was oh so gorgeous. its all in the details babe. it's the antique french wrough iron powder room sink harware...above a rough stone cut floating basin. it's the bronze spacing detail between the ebony stain hardwood parquetry... ummm. it's gonna make me cum. anyways, my point is that, although on the small scale (actually the house had a "guest wing" that added another 2000 sqft to actually it was pretty large)... the house had...quality.
the funny thing about seeing houses is...especially ones where the family hasn't move out that you see photos of strange families and when you have a face to put to the fabulous life of the rich and maybe not famous, its so weird. especially when you see the "kids" and you're like... what spoiled bitches. haha. one to speak, alex.
the rest of my weekend was fairly uneventful. i had something of a 48 hour sinus cold, which was fairly quickly alleviated after i stopped being a scientologist and decided to take medication... whence i found out that no longer can you get sinus medicine on the shelf... i think the crystal meth labs in texas have really gotten out of hand....wheewww. anyways, after i gave my id and social security number and bank account...kidding..i finally got my drugs. now all i need is some drano and matches and i can get high.... haha...don;t i wish. so yeah...i had a sinus cold, but didn't stop me from my usual banal happenings in my life. my parents friends....aunty annie and her husband...whatever i should call him (chinese people are i never knew what to call him so i just kind of ignore him)...cooked up a storm. and damn...they are fucking good cooks. anyways... had a great dinner. sunday night i went to go see "memoirs of a geisha". hmm... kind of slow...but overall it was good. and the whole asian with blue eyes thing....cooool. i wonder if i could pull that one off...haha.
anyways, time to sign off. i finished my last paper last week and this week's "task" is to start doing pages for my work "portfolio"....ahhh.... more and more work. but honestly, this old boy would be bored silly without such things to do. oh one more thing...i checked out studio options for this coming studio...not bad buddy. which one do you think i "should" go to.... ultimately its out of my hands since its a "lottery".... but the choices.... London, Seoul, Somewhere in Spain, Dubai, Beijng, Somewhere in Brazil....not too shabby. i was thinking i shoudl rank my choices according to hospitable weather. why not a studio in the bahamas man?
my claim to richness and famousness... my collection of mid century vintage designer chairs. 1) Circa 1970 Eames "bucket" chair with bone color vinyl covering, reproduction rockers. 2) Circa 1970 Plycraft Norman Cherner "Pretzel" Arm Chair, excellent condition, partial label.... and my pride and joy 3) pre 1945 "pre-production" Eames LCW, excellent structural condition, minor chips.

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