
What do you want me to do??!!

i started my inter-break gig today. industrious aren't i? the last "winter holiday" break i will probably ever have and i am spending well over half of it slaving away at "work". but i guess its make kind of sense. the pay is not too bad (unlike my silly pentance i received during my summer employment) and it is one of those jobs that might "open doors" so to say. still though, i have to be hoighty toighty and congratulate myself for getting off my ass and getting a job eventhough its only for a measley 3 weeks. but hey, again...i could use the extra $1500 i'm gonna make... yowza. teeth whitening here i come...haha.
the first day on the job was overally ok. not to much of an afternoon sleepy session, although i have to admit, like clockwork, around 3:30 i was yawning and zoning out a bit. anyways, before i confuse anyone any further, what actually am i doing? well, for the three weeks i am at this company, i'm really here just to "shadow" i guess and see what's it all about. it's actually pretty undescript but like my summer job, this type of internship pretty much is undescript. its different than architecture in a way since i probably won't be doing any "architecture" (and hopefully that is the idea) but might be getting into a little about "development" and "planning"... but this time seeing it from a private firm perspective, as opposed to the governmental, non-profit perspective i had this summer. actually this, for-profit, non-profit differentiation i just realized, probably bc i just wrote a paper on it for housing, but its seems to encapsulate the subtle differences i hope to observe and understand after being in both positions, albeit, the summer job was probably three times longer than this private gig.
so what did i actually do. well, in a nutshell, i land surveyed (thank god this is houston in the winter.... memories of sweltering heat and counting parking meters in baking downtown...no thank you!) and then after that i drafted and madeup a quick sketch proposal for a landscape proposal. yes... i said it...landscape. i was a psuedo landscape architect today... kind of hard not to when you are surrounded by landscape architects though. haha... but hey, i guess its all good, i mean...always wanted to experience a landscape studio so maybe this will be a way to do so.
landscape architects are an interesting bunch though. i still get a kick out of all the references to species and plants and all. i mean, i'm not trying to be derogatory, bc actually i do respect landscape people a lot, but often the talk sounds a little like you're just using a grab bag of spec... oh let's put some dogwood there and some cherry trees there and some publifoos multiflora there. heh heh. ok, i'm being just uninformend. i should realize that architecture itself can also be quite esoteric and definitely grab bag in mentality... like just spec-ing buildings with "Sweet's". but anyways, it's an interesting side of things. so i designed a little tiny "gateway plaza" today but had no idea actually what kind of vegetation to use. my repotoire of expressing landscaping is like...hmmm.. grass, bushes, tall or short, trees, flowers? that sort of stuff.
and to think i took a horticulture class once and rocked it!
my first day nonetheless was allight. the people seem nice enough to deal with for three weeks, and who knows, they might just be real fun.
in other news, well...hmmm, there really isn't much any other news. i had two assignment "papers" to write over break, one 8 page one which i busted it out in classic intense one sitting fashion and what's left is a measley 2 page one which i am also doing in classic short paper style ala alex... that is, taking my fucking time and procrastinating like no one's business. i don't get it, i have so much more difficulty with short papers, bc i can;t bullshit and stretch out topics. sigh sigh sigh. of course, reader, if you are still with me, you've realzied that i am somewhat verbose in my epistillary antics. hmm, if i am verbose in writing, i wander if i come across as loquacious in speech?
anyways, signing off for now. salute to all the world's landscape architects.


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