Get Yo Swirl On!

yet again another late post but interesting nonetheless. well currently i am in the throws of the second week here now back at gsd and the classes and what not are starting to settle into a predictable pattern. i've also started my part time job as a "administrative assistant' without much fanfare. this week though is also the week before i head off to crazy dubai so i am growing more and more excited about that as i type this. i'm thinking, sunglasses...check, sunblock...check, linen pants... oh got to get that, and now's my big excuse to. heehee. it should be a fun trip and honestly even though i have studio i am taking it sort of non chalantly and just doing "whatever". i'm just excited about the trip mostly i have to say. but i have to say the research i am doing is revealing a very very interesting place. my weekdays are pretty ordinary i guess... classes, working out (still trying to figure out a "good" time to go, and so far i have been fairly adamant about doing a good degree of working out), working, reading, and probably watching too much tv.
this past weekend was fairly fun. on friday, i went with my friend ira, who since i haven't mentioned before, is a good friend of mine here at gsd. she a lovely black woman who has a few issues and since i like crazy people, i enjoy her company thoroughly. anyways, she also has to deal with my crazy habits trying to micromanage the student exhibition wall i coordinate with her. anyways, so we saw previews for this film last semester called "Something New" (eventhough i swear it should have just been called "Swirl") which basically involved a love relationship between a black woman and a white man. fairly predictable plot, but overall i think it was a fun movie because it really took more the "black" perspective, as the white man was trying to fit into "black" culture. anyways, there were some interesting nuances i gathered such as the cultural limitations or more stereotypes of educated professional black women as havinga difficult time of finding a commensurate black man for relationships or marriage. interesting huh? also like issues like "black tax" were fairly interesting.
i had a continuing conversation with ira about race afterward, being a minority myself, i also have particular perspectives about fitting into a white dominated world and having to negotiate situation to situation. one interesting thing that i think is worth mentioning is how minorities seem to be automatically deemed "crazy" and "rash" if they happen to feel to express inequalities that they palpably feel set against them. Or in other worlds, if they feel that racism has been directed against them and they make a hoopla, all of the sudden, they are even further disengaged because they are trying to make a ruckus, to shake the boat. but one must ask, than where and when else can they attempt these obvious transgressions of true equality. or more insidiously (but with some critical awareness) they are automatically labeled as "reverse-racist". a questionable term not in the sense that it has no validity, but still, the actual definition i think is very murky. in my own experience, sometimes i feel that that best way to retort what i gathered has been "racisms" directed against me, is baiscally through wit and humor... to sort of turn tables, but always in a funny way. so what if i became directly angry, as you think i would be entitled to based on such arbitrary acts like racism? would i just became a crazy asian man? just like a loud mouth crazy hostile black woman... who knows.
its funny that they say that inside every white gay man, is a black woman. heh heh.
saturday i went to see another movie. this one slightly more cerebral and worldly. i went to go see syriana with this guy named mike that i met through sam. he's a nice enough guy, but i am not exactly sure where to place him yet on the "interesting" spectrum. although i think he has alot of things that could be interesting to talk about, he seems somewhat reticent about them though. then again, i tend to overlord conversations i know... but still, after a while i was thinking, man, i am doing a lot of talking. either he's bored or i am boring. i will give him the benfit of the doubt and think the latter although then that doesn't help me out much if i really am that boring.
interspersed through the weekend were also some palsy attempts to do studio work. blah. such is the state of my interest in work... mind you, not interest in dubai, just interest and motivation to do actual work. haha. i just want to go to this crazy country dude.
yesterday i had dinner with kalina, my old old old friend from governor's school back in tennessee. it was a thai stuffing experience but i always enjoyed her company. she was over here for a funeral of her god mother but the conversations didn't really touch that all so it was relatively light hearted. of late, i've noticed she has become a christian which is kind of surprising and funny at the same time. and this is not one of those "regular" christians, but she's quite affirmative about it... making saying grace an affair before dinner. i had a short conversation, warning her not to become one of those "crazies", but oh well... it seems she is having a good time with her "church" and i guess that's what prompted her to join in the first place, that is, the social benefits of such organizations.
ah, other than that i guess i don't have much else to report. i have been doing a significant amount of work lately trying to figure out odds and end for the businesses i am managing for mom. you know overall, eventhough its sort of like a pesky little pest of a task, the experience and exposure to the sheer "inefficiency" of other people in doing what you ask of them, is a revealing experience. only if i didn't have to continually call people back and double check everything... and now you wonder why i lend towards micro managing! haha. oh and speaking of job related activities.... Congratulations! to me. i just got my first real job offer. well, i'm like half excited...more for the fact i just got an offer (so early!!!) than for the fact of where the offer came from. it was from the architectural office i interviewed with in houston where i hated the carpet and they didn't really impress me that much. oh well... they offered a healthy salary which rasies my hopes of good bets in houston. somehow i wa sthinking the salaries would be pretty slim but actually what they offer is not too bad and who knows with some finagling maybe that figure could even be expanded to something truly...hmmm.... luxurious. HAHA...yeah right... you'r ein architecture lest you forget. still, the idea that someone has put money where their mouth is... is refreshing!
sooner or later thoug, i will have to figure out this whole thing about getting a job though. sigh. why can't i just play forever...heehee. have you ever felt like excited for all the stuff you could be getting into but still plagued by lethargy or fear? sigh, such is the dilemna of late 20 year olds. my friend, JJ, is just going to turn 25 now... 25! crazy.
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