So What Studio Are You Taking?

so what studio are you taking? the most asked question of late, even a fill in for the regular "hello, what's up?". such is the life of a design student i guess. in my last entry i mentioned actually what studio i am taking or more specifically where that studio is taking me actually. because in essence that's all i really know about the paremeters of the studio, that is will focus on dubai. other than that, because its not sponsored by any specific interest group, i.e. developer (like in Budapest), we sort of are just going there to "look around" i guess. but we have done one reading and i have basically come to regard my image of dubai as... "las vegas on lsd made by louis vuitton" with a dash of mussolini and al queda. freaky, no doubt. but it should be eye-opening at the very least. check out this link to "The World"... a really fantastical (note, i did not say fantastic) luxury residential development that basically looks like an archipeligio representing roughly a map of ... the world. tada!
what other classes am i taking? well since i did an extra module last semester i actually am free of two credits this time all i am doing is taking a full course real estate field study class (which i fear to say may become a "second studio") and then a housing policy class with a 2 credit dash of a course called "design of housing". all in all 18 credits. i was actually toying with the idea of taking more, if only by audit... but my wise friend chris explained it this way. what's your "goal" this semester. easily said for me, it was to focus on the job search and get a good job. that being said, taking extra classes doesn't help that goal and indeed might take away from it. true true true. and after going to the first RE class... man it looked pyscho... so maybe i should hold off on the ambition. funny mentioning ambition or at least conscious ambition... out of my 5 classes last semester, i just found out that i got "high passes" in 3 of them... pretty cool baby. the other two were just passes, and unfortunately it included studio... i've never seriously considered myself a good designer so i'm not surprised by the grade or disappointed. i am surprised about high passes in the other classes though...heehee. nicely surprised!
i can't wait to graduate i think. but then again... "life" this semester i hope will be fun. who knows, lately i have been itching to have another love interest. maybe just a little fling haha eventhough i say i am so over those things, but still... flirting is fun. anyways, running errands has pretty much pre-occupied me the past few days. i just bought a cute "care package" for the guys i worked with over break... you know, just to seem like a "nice guy" haha. and i have been going to the gym with a vengence... i recently clocked my weight at like 184 and that kind of freaked me out... maybe it was also right after eating too, but still... i'd like to get down to 170 again... even 165...eek. haha.
i've moved to my new studio spot today and today we had our first meeting for studio and i also did a quick tete a tete with pod mates trying to at least try to be "nice" at the begginning. it's my last semester here and my last semester probably as a "student' ever yeah, let's work those social skills a little huh alex? heehee.
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