Weaker Moments

i feel like shit at the moment. i think i am coming down with another cold this season. not that the last one i had i ever really got over. its weird. i had one of those 72 hour colds like hmm... a month ago, and ever since then my nasal system had still been fucked up right? either my nose feeling chafed like a rubber tire in winter or my nose feeling like a fucking faucet in a no star mo-tel. anyways, i finally decided a few days ago i should stop smoking so maybe it would benefit my system you know. and fucking eh! lo and behold, two days after i quit smoking, i get a fucking cold. real alanis morrisette moment... don't you think?
other weaker moments today. i found myself wandering over to the florist today while getting lunch and cough drops (because this morning, it wasn't my nose, but a sort of scratchiness in my throat that was bothering me... oh wait, that and the swollen eyelid... what the fuck? tomorrow, i'm gonna bleed from me ears dude) anyways, the other day's feng shui lecture got me thinking i should add some luck on my side so i picked out a cute arrangement of flora (pink hyanciths...for my love sector...shweet) and wished i picked up this cute guy looking at flowers as well. but since i overheard him ask the florist about getting a "romantic" arrangement, i figured the guy was spoken for already. not that i have the balls to pick a guy up at the flower shop, but ain't into home-wrecking either. ha.
and i watched fucking spongebob squarepants today. weak. i swear, i have been a total pussy today. but seriously man, my nose is not happy and i'm going home. oh, about the only manly productive thing i think i happened to achieve today was to figure out how to add links to my blog page, and to a put a dumb wrestling photo of me up. once i was a man.... sigh.... haa... haaa... haaaaaa...choooooooo.
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