
The Weirdest Dream

i have to tell you all about this weird ass dream i had last night. now i promise this is not to become a dream log.....blog, but it was just so vivid of a dream and a good story to boot. and usually i forget my dreams five seconds into my waking day but this sort of stuck. anyways, the dream was sort of a sci fi flick and in all honesty it probably was one i watched or whatever reinterpretted with characters from my own life. but it wasn't like that either, you know how sometimes you have dreams where you are just an observer in the sense that you are really just watching a movie or then the dreams you have where you are an active partipant. well, in this one it was more like i was just watching but at time, i guess you identify with protagonist and you can "see" from his view, that jazz. so the basic premise of this movie was like "bladerunner"... in a way. somehow, i'm not sure... certain people appear to die (of various "natural" causes) throughout history except that somehow, this movie showed that the "loved one beside their deathbed" was always the same... some sort of never aging immortal that somehow just shifted from one relationship to the other. flashforward to "sometime in the future", and i see a shot of this guy i think who wakes up from the dead i think? and somehow it dawns on him that somehow he's been brought to the "future"...along with all those people who kind of died because of that immortal entity (who someone falls out of the movie by now). anyways, this guy kind of is trying to understand this new society but soon gets really suspicious when it seems like people keep forgetting their social relationships and simply form new ones. it seems like bonds keep breaking and re-forming. he's obviously freaked out because it seems no one has a stable identity except for him. and soon, the "others" begin realizing that he's not playing along, and there's this mad dash through the city. but the real twist comes about... i think... when somehow he realizes that in order to survive he has to sort of play the part and go with the flow of these constantly shifting relationships and not draw attention upon himself. ultimately, the movie ends when he finds out something to the effect that the whole population is not only schizophrenic but actually not even human, but automatons. and he finally questions his own "reality" of existence and what place if any he has when he learns that this "place" that he thought he was abducted to is indeed a simulacra of earth, but one that was trying to replace an earth that is physically no more and long ago in the past. he asked... i just want to go home, and the other guy finally tells him, earth has long since been gone and we have been trying to approximate it.
totally star trek... but it was a fun dream


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