Will the real Bob Villa please stand up?
man, it has been a while since my last post. real apologies. so much have transpired this past month. again, a greta emotional upheaval of sorts, mostly i have come to realized, primed by the stress i have been going through with renovating this house. i will speak about my emotional rollercoaster life in another entry, but now... for your visual titillation, a few pictures of all the work that has gone on at my house, the past month. as i speak now, i am less than two weeks away from the house blessing... and MOVING IN! finally, almost after four months from when i bought the house... haha. is there a record for not moving into a house that you bought? enjoy... it has been a learning experience for me... but i think i've had enough.
these detail some of the last processes of finishing up the porch... you know, that thing that made me go mad crazy over the holidays. well, it reared its ugly head again in february as i struggled to finish the last things of the proch, like laying down the planking, encasing and finishing the columns, and building the steps. i have to say though, my folks REALLY helped me out on this endeavor, they themselves built the whole stair. i seriously would have gone totally crazy without them. i realized that those lucky and fortunate in life, are so not becuase of the whims of fate but it is by the conscious efforts of those around them who love them, that they are so fortunate. that day when my porch was completely done... it totally got to me and i broke down and cried... out of happiness, that people around me have been sooo helpfuy and have put up with me being an asshole sometimes. it just got to me... haha... i have been under SOOO much stress, happy or sad, i have been able to turn on the tears very easily the past few months. i just can't wait when it's all DONE! but doesn't the outside just look.... FABULOUS! it's so fucking cute!

just some random pictures of furniture pieces i am refinishing and also the finished bedroom, a.k.a. storage room for all my SHIT!

Ron helped me out on landscaping the front yard... ok, hell... he did it. what a man.


i love my boyfriend
the living room. the first few picture show the "professionals" knocking down half on my living room ceiling... reason being that after trying to fix up esau's fuck up with my ceiling... well, i fucked it up even more. sigh... just start fresh. and man... professionals know what's up. they knocked that baby down in 20 minutes and put up the new stuff in an hour! the pictures following detail my process of putting yp the multi-layer molding, two bands of molding with a middle layer of textured gold wallpaper.... nice huh? very nero's palace i think. befitting a crazy like me. oh... sorry, i forgot to take pictures when we were painting the room... but as you obviously see... it's red.

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