The Trees Whisper

this entry title was something i was thinking about standing outside of ron's house this weekend. i was just smoking a cigarette (i smoke way too much when i'm with him... haha... the tribulations of dating another smoker) and i was noticing the beauty of the tall skinny pines around his house and their dark silhoutte against the deep night blue sky. the wind was blowing and i had just had enough beers that you thought the trees were whispering, telling you little secrets about what was going on in your life right then and there. yes... i was kind of toasted. haha.
anyways, so let me warn you this is going to be yet another entry about ron, my man. the week leading up to the weekend we spent together was a welcomed repeat (still) of last week. a call every night and then a particularly fervent and entertaining call thursday evening when he went out with some friends and was getting drunk himself.... haha. too cute. the boy i have to admit has become a silver tongued charmer of late, but hey... i think he says the right things and it does make me smile. he told me that... honestly... he wants me to know that he does plan his week around coming down to houston to see me, to arrange his work schedule so that he can spend as much time with me as possible. hence why he got a little upset last week when i jumped that last minute... hey i said i'd go hang out with my friends... do you wanna come thing. all understandable and this week, before the weekend... it was like starting a new good habit... we informed each other about what we might be planning this weekend. the past two weeks he has on multiple occasions asked into if i'd like to come up to tyler to see where he works, grew up, etc. and i'm beginning to really realize how much "he" likes me in the fact that he has been telling his friends about me, in a hopefully mostly good way... because a lot of them have been asking about me. aiyah... here comes the gauntlet. oh well... alex, you know he's worth it.
it is awfully sweet though i have to say. and i cannot say that i don't also have very similar feelings for him as well. we actually didn't meet till saturday around noon or so and the following story just sort of illuminates what i hope is our begginning good habit of at least trying to communicate, although it still needs to be fine tuned of course. so i come over, and low and behold the roommate is around... now mind you, i really thought and was looking forward to the fact that she works saturday so it would be just me and ron. not that i dislike her but to be honest i was getting peeved that she was there becuase she was on vacation. eventually i used the excuse that i needed to go buy cigarettes and i just drove over to my house, called ron, and asked him if i could talk to him in private (since its impossible to because his roommate follows him around the house like a lost puppy!! seriously). i told him, that similar to the way he was upset about last week... i was kind of disappointed... not upset or angry mind you... that the roommate was there. i told him that nothing would be better for me than to just spend the weekend doing NOTHING as long as it was with him... but the idea of the threesome of him, i, and the roommate... i would not sign up for. i have a lot of other stuff i should do that i am putting off (the house for that matter!) and if i had to deal with her... hmmm.. no thank you. the crux of the problem is that he's just not himself around her... he's distant, doesn't show affection. and he has said before that it's bc he doesn't consider his roommate a close friend and therefore doesn't like to be "that" way in front of people like that... and that i can really understand. but to be honest, my patience had run out this time.
funny thing is he said he was glad i called because he was on exactly the same wavelength as i was but just hadn't had the opportunity to fill me in. i sort of jumped the gun. now irrespective of if he could have told me earlier or not, i did appreciate the fact that when i came back to the house... we did leave together and just spent an hour or two doing driving around and just being together... that is what i love. we originally were planning a Target visit but we were close by to a scuplture gallery with these cool HUGE bust of presidents that i wanted to show him. in return for that interesting jaunt he took me to glenwood cemetery... the oldest cemetary in houston where a lot of the "founding" families were buried.... it was too awesome. and ron being a history buff... made it even more fun.
later in the evening when we just "talked" in bed, i asked him about the roommate situation... i said... are you gonna be "that" way with all your friends. he flat out said no... and told me that when i meet his real friends, he will have no problem being the way he normally is and he wants to be because he has been telling them that he has met a wonderful... beautiful man. we talked about my worries that i wanted to make sure he liked me for who i really was... character wise and not because he was only attracted to my "asian-ness". he said that i was one of the smartest, funniest, most beautiful persons he knew and that nothing would be better than just to be with me. he told me his dream "wedding" situation. haha, i think its very safe to say... we are totally into each other.
and its true... i had a realtively uneventful weekend... but i had it with him.... and i feel fantastic about that. today we just browsed some nearby antique stores, just talked, and got to know each other more. i really loved it. i helped him wash his car, and we were just together. i hate to sound sappy... but i LOVE spending time with this man. and his eccentricity, his kindness, his genuine-ness. every weekend i spend with him... honestly the more i like him. this weekend, specifically i realized that there was one solid quality that he possessed which i always have told myself i wanted in another mate... and that is a "big family". maybe it's just me making up for my very small family and the large extended family being so removed... but i love it when he tells stories (and they are endless) about his crazy family. i actually do... want to meet them. and maybe soon i will... i dunno.
we had a great weekend. i didn't really do anything productive but i felt "life" with him. and speaking of being productive... now i'm trying to fit in "house" stuff on the weekdays, because i plan my "work" around the weekends with ron too... because i would love to just "waste time" with this man. actually i even called in sick on thursday to put up crown molding in the bedroom... which... simply said.... it EXTREMELY frustrating. at the end of the day i had compormised on a certain look, resolved that i could not do crown molding super great and just accepted the fact that the stained crown molding would just have to be "monet" quality... pretty from far, a mess when up close! haha. oh well. i have also been refinishing a credenza i bought... changing it from a dark wood, and painting in a fresh fresh white with an interesting crackled finish on top that funny enough... look like alligator skin from certain angles... kind of cool. i just really can't wait till this work really wraps up. i counted it the other day... seven weeks left!
sometime soon though i will HAVE to start putting down the porch flooring! we're getting down to the WIRE! geez... ok... i don't even want to think about it. but i will post up some pictures of my bedroom that sort of has new crown molding and a decorative border... you also see the finished "headboard" wall and the mounted sconces and finally the finished "striped" painting. my mom saw it... she says it looks like it has "class"... haha!!! oh my god.. i cannot wait to move into this house. and furthermore, "if" i am still with ron... it will be MY PLACE... SANS ROOMMATE!! yay... man...we're gonna have some fun. not that we aren't already but seriously... there will be no holds bar then haha. and also... i can just be WITH HIM. if nothing else, ron's a great guy just to chill with. he would be a fantastic friend... he's upbeat, but honest about his feeling.... and he LOVES being with me... haha. he was saying that he was describing me to a friend of his... he said... well, he grew up in tennessee, he went to cornell, he's an architect... and the person he was talking to (who knew him for a while)... said... wait... what race is he... because it sounds like you're describing a southern white boy... with an education (and i thought you had yellow fever!?) HAHA... that made me laugh. but hey... i am a "banana"... and proud of it!
the secret life of bananas. i've been thinking lately of illuminating my own folks about ron a little more lately. mostly because i feel like he's making headway to bring me into his life...i should do the same. and to be honest that issue did come to head a little bit but was somewhat averted. this saturday, early in the morning, i went to a volunteer tree planting that i actually organized and coordinated for my company employees. ultimately about a dozen of us showed up at 7:00 AM saturday morning... RAINING! to go plant trees. let me just say i don't think i have ever been in such MUD EVER in my life. it was described like pie filling and let me tell you it was NO EXAGERRATION! ultimately we realized that the ground was so soft you didn't need a shovel to dig a hole... you could literally just jump on the potted tree and it would sink into the ground, remove the plastic bucket and just pat around the soft mud. little trick that apparently the other volunteer teams didn't figure out. we planted 200 trees with 12 people in 1 hour fifthteen. we were originally alloted 4 hours. honestly and looking at the bright side... the rain really helped... making it cooler, and the ground ridiculously easy to plant in. so... what's a little mud? haha.
anyways, i had asked if ron wanted to come join me and he said he would. but i was somewhat concerned that i would have to introduce him as my "boyfriend" to my co-workers. now... you see i'm not "in the closet" but i'm not flying a rainbow flag either. at work, i like to keep my personal life... personal. mainly because there are no other gays and sometimes, god only knows, what i do in my personal life as a gay man... may not be particularly... understood... by my hetero co-workers. ultimately, i didn't even have to deal with this quandary because ron had said he'd come except in one condition... rain. and it rained and i understood when he said he wouldn't come. so i didn't have to think about this one just yet... but in my mind... i know i'll have to face it soon enough.
i had a wonderful dinner with my parents friday night (they had just come back from taiwan, and i wanted to take them out)... i asked them "relationship" questions... basically asking... if it was better to just bring out your "concerns" at the begginning of a relationship than waiting till you "think" you really know someone. my folks basically made me realize the contradiction of a question like that... because how will you really know a person and their reaction to you... if you don't bring up your "concerns"... if you don't really say what's really on your mind. hence why i had to talk about my disappointment in seeing the roommate... and eventually how we both came to agree that it was just a breakdown of communication but that both of us wanted the same thing eventually... that is just to be with each other. we fell asleep this weekend with his head on my shoulder and my lips kissing his forhead, my arms around him. it was absolutely fantastic. i'm crazy about this man... and i feel very lucky he is crazy about me.
other than that... life is pretty much moving along swimmingly. this weekend i thought about my age old occupation with the age 27.... the age when thing would "gel" for me. so far... it has been an amazing year in the respect that i feel i have reached a plateau of sorts and am getting a real basis for the next scaling of life's slopes. in essence... i'm putting down "roots"... a career, a house, a man. i'm blessed i think that this year so many thing have fallen in place... and are getting me ready for next round of great challenges in life. like when i got into harvard almost 3 years ago now.... i am looking forward to what life is about to offer... hopefully hearing what secrets the trees whisper.
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