
The Usually Un-Unfabulous Social Life of Alex Song

hello kids, how ya’ll doing? well, this has been a very…. social… week I have to say, meeting lots of relatively new people. on wednesday , i started what might become a friendly tradition of wednesday night dinners with jake and friends at onion creek. what the deal? well, wednesday, this usually bar/ coffee place in Houston with a fantastic patio wrapping around the joint lends itself to a grill maestro who whips up a juicy grilled steak and potato for a mere $13. quite the deal and quite a nice break from my usual smoothie diet. so yes, you can see the appeal. but this tradition was kicked off with jake in a most interesting way. before dinner, i stopped by a lecture where my old boss, guy, was presenting… and i said a friendly hello! listened to some academic hogwash and then left early. originally, this guy who i have been talking to on and on online a few days before said we prob never were gonna actually hang out… so to challenge this, i invited him to the lecture… which eventually he ditches saying he just got out of work and instead of being reasonably late, decided just not to go…. hmmm? wtf! anyways, so that social scene went awry but it wasn’t the only one. apparently jake is having a tif with his once “best” friend over something which i think is silly (remember the thing that happened at SoBe a few weeks prior…same nature). anyways…. apparently that guy was there at onion creek and that just made jake really out of sorts (he has somewhat of a childish streak i think).
anyways, eventually we just find our own little table… conversation was a little strained at first… small chit chat. but as the meal developed, i dunno… i think it was the first moment since i’ve met jake that we’ve actually hung out one to one in real life and… it was pleasant. i played counselor a little bit while he spewed about what was bothering him with his friend (at my request…. i had to have some sort of conversation!) and then after that he heard me go over my romantic travails and tribulations. it was good… a real … pseudo… heart to heart. he’s a nice kid really… a little bitchy…. and strangely shallow yet deep…. but ultimately… kind deep down. i’m enjoying his company… and i enjoyed the steak.
thursday should have been a good night but i got completely ditched and really sort of felt about it actually. well, mr. d, a guy i went out with on a date a week or two ago, was suppose to go with me to this little mixer at the downtown acquarium restaurant… the opportunity piqued my attention because he had mentioned that he had never been there… so basically i procured the invites because of him. come around 4 pm at work that day, he calls, and says he feel too ill to go (now granted he did say he was sick the weekend prior and hoped he would feel better by then, but on wednesday he was all about going… so i dunno… it made me feel kind of down). my plan 2 of inviting jake didn’t fly bc he wasn’t around, so i drove home in somewhat of a dejected state. and i had not brought my gym clothes so i couldn’t even go burn off the frustration on the stair master. but it was ok, a 30 minute drive and 2 cigarettes later, i was fine.
friday was my make up date with mr. d… now that he felt better. but there was a slight collision of schedules as well. i think a few days before, maybe the night before in my dejected state, i met a guy who was supposedly a Harvard alumni, and we got chatting and decided it might be cool to just meet for coffee. so i said to him that i’d like to but i would have something later in the evening to go to, and he said that was fine because originally that gave us about an hour or so of chat time. unfortunately, my date with mr. d was a movie date starting at 8:00, so i had to pick up mr. d at 7:30… by the time i got out of work it was 6:30, and i would then have to leave the coffee place at 7:00…. so that seriously curtailed potential chat time with Harvard guy. i called him apologized, and he decided we should just meet another time. i called him over the weekend for a re-schedule but i have a “slight” feeling he’s brushing me off… oh well, not a biggie… although the fact of meeting a potentially intelligent guy should perk me up… but oh well.
my date with mr. d was fun. we went to go watch a movie and then afterwards had dinner. conversation over dinner this time was much more relaxed and i’m getting to know mr. d a little more… and liking it… mostly. although i have to say AGAIN… the boy checks other guys out! but this is the deal i am trying to rationalize it with, he says… he’s lived in the loop for eight years… he works, lives, and plays here and he has grown to know A LOT of people…. so is it so hard to think he might say hello or acknowledge someone’s existence here and there? i dunno, i guess i have to more closely see if he “checking people out” or simply just noticing people he already knows… still, the blantant loss of eye contact is somewhat unnerving i think. maybe i just feel left out since he also doesn’t ever introduce me either…. but come on alex… just a second date… and its not like you REALLY like this guy. which brings up a point that jake brought up… why continue dating a guy if you already see things you don’t like? hmm… i dunno, of late, i’ve become a believer that it takes a certain amount of time to really see someone’s qualities… qualities that may…or may not… be worth the overlooking of certain negative aspects (that tend to be more obvious bc maybe i am looking for faults?). anyways, mr. d and i finished dinner (oh note… he REALLY likes cheese and ranch dressing on his salad… he poured that shit on like it was cake frosting!) and i drove him back. and then… well… it was suppose to be just a kiss goodnight… but long story made short… we steamed up the car windows a bit. definitely not PG-13!
which just isn’t what i wanted! it was a clear lack of self control on my point, but i guess my excuse is that it has been a while since my last sexual rendevouz and it was just there in front of me. sigh… no self control. but the problem is also this complicates what i didn’t want to complicate. you see… i’m still unsure about mr. d… and after this weekend, i realized i’m unsure about anything for any mr. anything. i think for a few weeks, i was so wrapped up in an idea of dating (and it supposed logical conclusion of finding a “relationship”) that i think i forgot that to be honest, i’d rather just have friends. and NO! i do not sleep with friends! mr. d could be a good friend… maybe even a cool boyfriend… he’s sweet, kind, smart, doesn’t really make me laugh… but who does?!, and has some direction in life….. but i just dunno. i don’t feel that za za zoom… and even if i did, recent developments have made me question even that! but we’ll see how it goes… we actually ended up chatting later in the evening and i told him jokingly that i couldn’t date him anymore because we had done the nasty…. of course, tone can’t be transmitted through IM and he said… are you joking??!! haha…i think he likes me… for now. he called me the next day (like he said he would!). we’ll see how it goes. but jake’s words ring in my head…. don’t string him along.
saturday was a tre! social day. the day begun with a jaunt to MFAH with mei, originally to take a sketching class but since i didn’t wake my sorry ass till it was too late, we just hung out at the museum. while we were leaving MFAH, the guy i HAD a crush on, called me (oh… the day before i had paced around the room before i called him and left a message…during a time i KNEW he wouldn’t pick up heehee…so pathetic!) and asked if i wanted to do an early dinner (as oppose to “maybe” something on sunday night, since he turned my down for my original friday night request… that mr. d ended up filling, bumping the Harvard guy out of the scene… see what i mean by “social”!). and after thinking for a moment, i said yes… went home… got dressed (fancy too… he had to dress nicely because he was singing at a wedding after dinner…so not to be outdone… i donned the new burbury tie alice gave me and the “pink” cuff links Robert bestowed on me…oooh lala. it was such a “non-date”. and it was nice…. but i am TOTALLY over him. we had a pleasant dinner but it hit home even more to me that he wasn’t interested in me in anything more than friends… if that. and i’m cool with that… but
i dunno… its odd how my attraction for people goes. i mean, from my previous blog entries it is obviously i was waxing estatic about this boy for a few… days…. but i dunno…. when we finally spoke on the phone after i left him that message thursday… in mid conversation… something in me snapped! it was like… i finally realize you aren’t into me…. and ergo… i am so NOT into you! haha… i mean… maybe it some subtle form of juvenile pouty-ness… well… then i don’t like you either… nanny nanny boo boo! but that’s exactly how i felt…. i couldn’t care less about seeing him when he couldn’t come up to bat and say… yeah, i’d like to hang out with you again and this is when. listen up boys! relationships must be reciprocative…. in the beginning, middle, and end. it absolutely takes two to tango… therefore… i don’t mind showering you initially we adoration bc i am into you, but if you don’t reciprocate soon… this boy loses interest.
ah…i think that is why i felt so hard so fast for danny… because he had no problem in showing me how much he cared for me… and i got drunk off of it. but man… what a hangover of a relationship that was afterwards. maybe that’s not the way to go. but in response to what i said about how often does a guy come around you REALLY like…. i hate to say it… but are the guys i REALLY like… the wrong guys for me?
so my little crush fizzeled as fast as a shaken can of coke. but maybe all is not loss. i thought up of a silly idea to hang out with this guy next time… but it will be totally platonic though. that dinner truly was… we went dutch and i had spilled no beans about it…. it was a friendly dinner… to get to know each other.
but after that, i stopped by ANOTHER restaurant and had desert with mei and her friend, and had to attempt to back out of hanging out with Jake, which i said i didn’t have a car because of a false reason… but he actually showed me up and said he’d drive over and pick me up! haha! well, couldn’t walk myself out of this one… but at least i didn’t have to drive. jake was invited to a “movie night” deal at a friend of a friend’s place… and i was jake’s guest. it was a cute experience… hosted by a middle aged cute gay couple with a beautiful “decorator” house… very gay hamptons-eque and utterly disgusting in that i am so jealous of you way. anyways… the movie sucked, but at least he gave us lots of liquor and beer…haha. and that was that evening! saturday was just jam packed… and of course… that wasn’t enough because i ended up chatting online till 4 AM!
sunday…. not the day of rest i thought it would be! lunch was a birthday lunch for a family friend which was nice enough…. a good Japanese restaurant. but what happened after was just too much social…. my mom had a fit, which i will describe later, that lasted for over and hour… until i politely excused myself because i had something to go to…. a cornell alumni panel for a college information session. it was fun… met briefly some fellow cornell alums and had the chance to speak my heart’s fancy about being an architect and going through architecture school and cornell…. it made me feel old talking to exuberant talented 17/18 year olds. oh well, this old bird still knows some shit!
my days lately REALLY have been jam packed you know. rather this than boring though no?


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