
Friends and Family Make the Home... so does a 20K Down Payment... Part 1

so it is again another extremely tardy entry, but i am sure ya'll have all gotten use to it already. but i hope this entry will actually be somewhat interesting; it has been really a very full and busy two weeks since i last wrote. the first week consisted mainly of a scanty three days of work before the thanksgiving holiday started, and then a fun filled...seriously... four day weekend with robert, who came down from new york city. and then the second week was sort of turkey coma recovery and a fun weekend following that of a holiday party and getting ready for the next big move of my life.... finally buying a home!
so the three days at work before thanksgiving really are without much incident. i think i basically just pretended to work, spending some time "researching" for a booklet we're producing and then the rest of the time searching on EBAY for sconces and chandeliers.... its definitely my new hobby i have to admit... looking for fabulous pieces of home decorating and lighting on EBAY. actually, as we speak now, i have received a beautiful antique french sconce that i absolutely love... problem is... its just ONE sconce... what the fuck am i going to do with one sconce.... they must come in a pair! anyways... the plan is to sell it back but i dunno... it may duck under the radar and just end up somewhere in my new home. i've recently gone to a store to just buy a pair of sconces which i think will work nicely if nothing more original from EBAY pans out. i've also been looking at interesting chandeliers... although i really shouldn't since i actually have a few old chandeliers at my disposal already. but you know... EBAY is addicting.
anyways.... so what did i do with robert? i think he had a great time honestly. he came in right on turkey day and apparently despite being the worst travel day, all his flights went off without a hitch...some are just so lucky. anyways, that evening after some gabbing and also showing him my cute cute abode, we had a gorge fest at aunt annie's place.... we did have turkey... and various other chinese acoutremonts. after that we chilled out for a bit and then went to go see a movie. surprisingly both of us were completely knackered and we just called it an evening that night. that friday was spent driving robert around the cool places in the inner loop basically... we saw westheimer, the galleria, rice village, rice u, the medical center (to see MD Anderson... Robert, also with a motive!), montrose, midtown, downtown, and then i forced him to go antiquing with me... how gay. haha. anyways, we came back home to retire for a bit before going out again with the folks for another big chinese meal... haha. i am sure robert got all the chinese food he could want for a while... where's a hamburger? after that we came back... and got ready to go out for "gay bar" night. we went to guava... which i haven't been back to in forever actually and it was a nice scene actually... not too much people.. but not too dead.
my boy Ron, ok... that's my urban cowboy's name... heehee.... came (unfortunately with his roommate) and it was so nice to see him... seriously...i so missed him... it's so gay how i'm goo goo ga ga for this guy. i dunno... he just makes me happy. who knows? anyways, we actually didn't speak too much to each other but for a while we sat at a table holding hands underneath... it was so cute... haha.... its what i think is the perfect relationship.... we are able to stand as individuals... talking up a storm with different people... but underneath it all, it's still "us" time... because we're together w/o having to be overly "together". anyways.... esau also came with but he was a little shy and got read as sullen... but hey that's him. ron suggested we go to ripcord... the leather daddy club. of course... not that i am in the scene... but stuff like that does intrigue me. so we went to ripcord... i have to admit though... i felt sooooo gay... like in the femmy flamboyant way... because this place was just a shit hole... it made me squirm with disgust. i really wish i could take it more like a macho man.... but this place was certifiably gross.... it took a lot to touch any surface in that dump.
for some reason though we stayed there for a decently long time.... oh i forgot... the reason we stayed there was because robert was having a super fun time. i'll leave the story at that since this is a public forum. woo hoo robert! its cool though... while robert was occupied... me and ron got a little more of "us" time.
on the drive home, in robert's somewhat drunken mental looseness, i pryed him for his views on ron and me and what he thought of him blah blah. bobcat has a crush on my boy.... heehee... no... i'm kidding ( i think... lay off bitch!) but i think he liked him. the more important question though i asked was... do you think ron likes me.... and robert's answer totally worked like magic on me... he's so into you... absolutely smitten. i asked how can you tell? robert said... by the way he looks at you. robo, be it intentional or not, conscious or not... you had a truly poetic moment right then and there, where you really did make someone else feel a 1000 times better by the way you said things.
saturday after working off the hangover, we decided to do a little cheese... and went to the Forbidden City... ala Katy, TX! haha.... Ron also came with... and at least to me, he was much more interesting than the stupid models... or the tour guide who looked like she just rolled out of ripcord herself.... around noon. after that, i kissed ron goodbye, and me and robert jetted off back into the loop to go see the MFAH... which was having a fairly interesting show on Dogs in Art. After that, we went home for some nappy nappy before heading back INTO the loop to have dinner at Zake's with Esau and his boy... or sort of boy. they are kind of cute...although volatile couple... but whatever...i went to Zake for the fucking fantastic Kobe beef burger. after zake, then started "gay club" night... which unfortunately Ron decided to not come with...oh well... is OK... i'll just have to dance dirty with him some other time... heehee. anyways... we went to BRB. I loved this weekend.. because i actually was probably just as big of a tourist as robert was.. because i got to go to Ripcord and BRB... cool. and actually BRB was a lot of fantatsic fun... i mean... just looking at the country dancing...sooo cool. and so much less of a cruisy scene.... it was just nice. well... gay clubs aren't gay clubs without cruising so after an hour or so we departed that and headed off to the JR's, SoBe bash.
i would say robert had a good time. i know i did actually. in a weird way, i was very content that night eventhough i was slightly bummed that ron couldn't come. usually at dance clubs i really hate the cruisy atmosphere but can't say i don't feel sucked into it and feel at times i have to "work it" in service of attracting someone. but for some reason this evening, the knowledge that i had a man... who was...so into me... at home...waiting for me to come home... totally pushed my perspective into "just having a fucking good time dancing". i couldn't have cared less if someone was checking me out...or not. i dunno... is that weird? but actually... being in a relationship... made it EVEN more easier to just have fun at a gay club...despite the ambience of "the hunt". on a side note... for the past two weeks... partly because of the holidays and robert and all that and also for the week leading up to my house closing, i spent most evenings thinking about various aspects of my house.... i have not really been on manhunt. seriously..... or even IM for that matter. and it hasn't been that bad. although... i do think i need to check in more... so that some of the budding friendships i might have get somewhat watered. i mean... i really do want more "friends".
anyways, so me and robert did the JRs and then SoBe thing...along with Esau and his boy... Esau left a little earlier but we partied clear into 3:30 territory... mainly because the plan was to keep it going till robert's 6 AM flight... haha... las vegas redoux. so anyways... by 3:30 the crowds had thinned a little and my two little feet were really at it.... it was a lot of fun! we finally called it a night though... and thank god...Esau let us crash at his place to take a shower and freshen up before the trip to the airport. it was one of those moments in your life where you are major pumped up... but if you just slow down for longer than five minutes... you know you'll crash. so that was my modus operandi between 4 am and 6 AM..... keep it going keep it going.
after showering at esau's, we then just hit the road, onward to IAH. on the way we thought we get in just a little more cheese..so we stopped by a ghetto denny's and had a ghetto breakfast. i told robert, that it was at times like this in your life... 5 AM in the morning after a night of total partying... that all civility goes out the window and you just let the inner slob out... haha... where my chicken wings! heehee. finally.... i dropped robert off at the airport... i hope he had a good time. the weekend wore me out... but i am glad he came!
funny thing is... after dropping robert off at the airprot i went to ron's place. the night before he had told me to stop by after clubbing and he's make me breakfast... he's amazing isn't he? but since i had breakfast, all i wanted to do when i rolled into his driveway at 6:30 AM was to go to sleep... or so i thought.... haha. I did go sleep in his bed... but i wanted him to lay beside me... for some reason i just got undressed and when he joined me... i just wanted to make out. haha... he said he thought i wanted to sleep... but low and behold a surge of energy surfaced and i just had to go at it. haha... funny thing is... i did try to sleep again... but just couldn't... so like jacking off when you have insomnia.... we had sex... after i had been up all night. and it was goooood. heehee.... amazingly horny after no sleep... but i also thing after i came, i totally blacked out. i'll have to ask him about it. haha. he had to get back to dallas that morning so around 10 AM i said goodbye to him...for two weeks... he couldn't come the following week. boo! and the rest of sunday i think i just remember sleeping for half of it and just random errands and tasks the rest.
the week following thanksgiving had a distinctly different tone and focus.