
Life is What Happens in Between

ahhhh. so i must first start off with distinct apologies for having disappeared from the blogger world. the trend somewhat expressed in my last blog entry of being ridiculously busy has continued with a vengence. it's been about two weeks since my last entry and my last entry i believed delt with, amongst many thing, the career fair at school. so i guess that would be as good of a place as any to sort of begin this conversation. oh, but before i begin, i should at least mention why i chose to return to blogging now? as i type, i am trying to ignore all the chinese text on the screen and the keyboard, and hoping i remember the graphic positions of all the partiuclar button functions. that's right! i am in taiwan on spring break, and luckily enough one of our family hosts in not in the stone ages. more on that later, but for now, let's begin.
so i have had a lot of developments in the job search since the fair and it has been very interesting. there is good and bad, well, not bad... just sort of troubling to me. the bad first? well, you know that great position i was going after in houston and they seemed to love me and i actually was looking forward to working for them there...well, a week or so ago, i sent them an email concerning my interests to continue our conversations on a more specific tone, that is... offering me an actual monetary compensation. well, the thing is, they haven't gotten back to me, and i am begginning to worry. of course, this worrying isn't really based on anything i know, but i project that it would suck if i lost the job because i didn't jump on the bandwagon fast enough. but still, youd think, if they were that interested in me before, they would have at least wrote me an email if they were considering someone else...a sort of invitation for a last duel of sorts? i dunno, anyways, i will see how that plays out. on the good side, some of the firms that is poke with during the career fair have really panned out, and also panned out in a surprising way. well, there was one firm in particular during the career fair that personally struck me as being a fairly cool firm, and this sentiment was being reverberated also through the general GSD student body. now, i come in one morning and get a call from the guy i spoke with inviting me to come interview with them. now with that, i was already quite satisfied and looking forward to it, however, he further continued, almost non-chalantly to suggest that they would also go ahead and make travel arrangements as well... i.e., fly me to go interview. crazy huh??? my goodness, this is definitely not treatment i expected especially having graduated in undergrad during a mini-depression! but i sure am enjoying the attention i have to say! but this is not the end of it my friend! a few days later i got an email from another firm i met witha sking for a electronic version of my portofolio which i decided to just pdf the files for the portfolio i printed out. so i sent them and the very same day i sent them, i got an email back saying that they would like me to interview and that they would like to fly me to Dallas! fucking eh huh? nice! bada bing bada bang. AND! just today i got an email from one of the firms i interview with in houston, who low and behold... suggesting to "continue" our conversations and also would like me to fly me to houston. haha! i'm going on an ego trip now. now mind you, give me some lee-way here because stuff like this...well, i don't "think" it really happens much in architecture you know... so let me have my day a little.
all i know is that thank god i have am in a foreign country for sprinmg break, that puts a complete stop to all the crazy activities that were building up back home. but my, when i go back, its gonna be like travel this travel that, interview this interview that, as well, as it should be i guess. this is last moment in my life for such frivolities....sigh... real life.
ok, what else? studio has been a shitload of laughs as well this past two week! now in interests to my non architecture readers i'll just sort of highlight the main points.well, basically the past two weeks have been a stop and go procession towards the mid term review which happened on tuesday of the last week of school. i believe the last time iw rote about studio i had mentioned that i had successfully turned the tide from a crappy crappy studio pin up one week. well, the past two weeks have been mostly devoted to trying to actually work out that idea that i had generally suggested. and i don't think i reallyw orked out that much more, but it was better represented which in architecture is key. and ways, what is kind of cool to note though, is that i had to do a sort of crash course in 3d modeling program called rhino. which honestly in a small way was kind of fun, but i think my experience with it suggest that i am still sort of old school in my aesthetics. but for this project it was to use it none the less. basically the whole weekend before the review was pretty much devoted to studio and sunday morning through tuesday morning was a straight through shot of work, except for a 3 hour respite on monday morning, because i couldn't sleep sunday night so i said fuck this, and went BACK to studio! but i finished in at a healthy time of 9 AM on tuesday and was able to go home, sleep, shower, and feel somewhat refreshed, as much as i could for the review...which itself, went out fairly well. it was one of those reviews which i have learned to relish which basically the general consensus is that your project ultimately works, and is interesting toa degree, and has potential for further development. no, siloquys of how wonderful it is, but hey, people understood it and got into it. actually machado, was a darling and said the project was "ethereal" which by all means, i think is hot! so yes, studio at least at this point in the semester is going fairly well. i wonder if i can keep this up for the next half with all the shit i need to do, geez, i'm gonna almost miss half of it actually! oh well, in the end, who cares.... although i've always had a secret yearning to get at least one high pass in studio. nah, i know i don't have the patience, determination, luck, or talent, or whatever it takes, to get one. oh well.
my other classes? yeah, or in other words the other responsibilities i find it annoying to have to deal with in light of the demands of studio and finding a job. thank god, i decided against doing that crazy course load this semester, i totally would have been cuckoo by now. anyways, one of my classes actually fucking ended, and after spending a day or two writing a stupid report and another day doing that silly presentation i can now have the pleasure of having only one class on fridays...yeah! and speaking of that class, its my housing policy class which i've decided is a completet bore, not that it isn't chock full of interesting things, but still, it is a complete bore... and i just want to do the minimal requirements to get a pass and to...pass! which means, that you hold off on actually writing the 8-10 page paper till the night before the morning of your flight to asian...haha! well, serves me right, i started really around 9 PM, and finshed in a quick flourish around 5:30 AM. at least i had some company half way through but i don't know if that was a good thing or bad. but at least its done! and finally, with real estate finance. its funny how you can bitch about something like group dynamics in a class and then for the mid term presentation it actually seem to come off beautifully. i think we were just lucky and that each of us knew exactly what we were talking about. i eprsonally even got complemented for my little schpill, which was fucking cool. but in all, the group pulled off an the "investment memo" presentation very well... good vibe, and good dynamic.
so all that shit is done with and when i get back to cambirdge i can begin with a new slate. it's really going to a roller coaster ride, dear reader, so please don't take offense if the next posting is somewhere in like may...or june. haha!
now what about the life i mentioned that happened in between. well, since school takes up most of my life, please don't be mean to me when i say that there wasn't THAT much life. but no, i take that back, there has been some very memorable things that have happened lately. one thing that comes up to mind, is my new passion of squash...or more precisely going to squash court and hitting the ball around pretending like we are playing a real game of squash. at least my hand eye coordination is getting better! heehee, but no, it has been lots of fun during my own personal practice sessions where i replace my cardio elliptical workout with squash practice, and it has been lots of fun with studio friends as well. of late, i've gotten the pleasure of getting to know more a few of my studio "pod-mates", the ones that are there that is. Suhyoung, a spritey korean girlthe size of smurfett who can't stop mentioning her boyfriend or how long its been since she's had sex! haha...funny girl. and then there's nancy the lesbian who isn't so lesbian or at least what i'd thought were lesbians... hey my first lesbian friend! didn't i say one of my new year's resolutions was to get a lesbian friend. haha, how funny is life. i resolve to come out to my parents...check. i resolve to find a lesbian friend...check! i've also gotten the chance to exercise my heterosexual side by befriending bobby, another fun chap who speaks in an english accent he can't help but who has been great help in teaching me some basic of real lifting weights in the gym, also he's not a bad squash buddy as well. this semester i guess its been fun, because there is somewhat of a sense that our studio lives extend beyond the studio and studio time. last year i guess i felt i didn't connect with anyone really in particular beyond what studio itself was... but this semester, the people have been a lot more overtly socialble... which is a great thing, if just for the last semester of my time here at GSD.
i've had a lot of opportunity lately too to hang out with ira, my black queen friend...haha! you know, i am now wondering if she has any idea i am gay, not that it matters much but the other day i mentioned i was a gay studies minor in college and she made the comment that oh...so that's why you know so much about "these type" of things... haha! these "type"...honey, i know a lot of these type of thing because i suck cock...a nd do it well mind you. wink! she's a funny girl but i wonder if she realizes that her stories of her apparently psychotically traumatic life are starting to really do the one two on me. jesus alex, you are so fucking insensitive... but hey, come on, i'm your friend, but do not abuse the emotional bellhop position. anyways, we went to see one movie, v for vendetta, actually with chris...remember him, robert's friend. it was very good. anyways, i'm also glad i've gotten a fag hag for the school as well... even despite she doesn't really know she is one or not. one night she made the comment that she's spending so much time with me that her finace is going to think she's having an affair... i wa sthinking...uh huh honey, not if he knew i was a flaming homo. haha! anyways, there has been a great opportunity i have to say of actually having a "social life" this semester.
which i guess has made the other parts of my life much more bearable, that is, the part of having a pathetic dating/sex life. actually i don't even know why i am complaining, as if this is something totally out of the blue, but i dunno. ever since valentines i have been sort of feeling like i'd like to be in a psuedo relationship of sorts. again, its even beyond sex, i'd like to flirt and being romantic, and date, and feel tortured that i have to terminate the relationship because i'm getting out of town. haha...i want emotional drama in my life. what happened to the love of my life though you ask? yada yada yada, i think that blog entry was written under the influence of something because well, its not so rosy pink anymore. why so, oh i dunno... maybe because he's a fucking dork who doesn't know what he wants. haha. i shouldn't be so mean...and melo-dramatic too. heehee, sometimes i think i am a gemini because i have this abilty to sort of step outside my situation and to look at my self and say the painfully obvious. but anyways, so i actually did go out with my "love" two weeks ago and we had a great time. we ended up predictably hooking up of course, as any gay date is suppose to, and can i just say... it was fun. he's a saggitarius so there was some obvious astrological chemistry going on but i guess i should of realizes that the boy doesn't really know what he wants or at least dosen't want me when it took only ten minutes from after cumming to heading out the door, with one of those kisses that felt like he "should" do it. but even beyond that, i guess i sort of dug a hole for myself because i thought i'd be non-chalant and play it cool and wait for him to call back... which he did eventually, only took 2 days, not bad. but still every conversation since then has been sort of blase. i dunno, it's just that well...i kind of feel like, now after hooking up, i want some more distinct thing to happen. i am being such a chick aren't i, thinking that just having sex should mean that something more has happened, or should happen. sigh sigh sigh. maybe that's why i slept with him in the first place, to confirm that i still wanted to be in love i guess, but i guess i figured out that it wasn't with him. i dunno, i think i am blabbering now. but the state of the matter i guess now, is that i'm just sort of jaded by him in particular, and which he'd pick up the ball a little and start fucking showing some interest in me and being a little more obvious about liking me... if he even does. there's a funny thing between gay men of this thing of sex between "friends". i mean, no doubt, i enjoy this guy's company on a friend level and if nothing else i want to be "friends" with him. but personally i have a very difficult time "sleeping with friends", i've done it before, but it still something hard for me to even rationalize using the phrase... "we're just helping each other out". i have toa dmit i am so much chic-ified about issues like that... sex, with someone i personally like in a perosnality way, usually becomes very quickly an in route into something i'd like to be more serious. otherwise, if that doesn't happen, i have to continue the friendship and end the sex. and of course, this is completely different than the fuck buddy situation which you are very comfortable at the very begginning that the extend of the majority of your contact with each other revolve saround fucking. eventhough you might enjoy each other company for movies, dinner, or what not, you know for a fact that eventually you're going to be laying top of each other. i guess what i am saying, is that i have a very hard time with "flexible" relationships. i like things to be defined, to fall in a nice little category that although the edges blur, it is understood as this and not that and only sometimes this...or that, depending on this or that. so the fact of it is, with this love of mine, he's gonna have to start ante-ing up that he likes me and start fucking showing it, or its gonna just be friendsville from now on. haha, do you actually hear what i am saying? haha! like it matters, please alex, you think no one else realizes that you're gonna be jetting away in two months? like you are safe bet for emotional investment. ultimately the question is... would you date yourself in this situation if you were the other person.... haha... fucking yeah i would.
no, i can understand completely though, he being a sag, i'll never be able to hold him down, and every "relationship" he's in is going to be wishy washy. the hard to catch tactic was much more successful, which i should have realized, having actually "gone out" only after almost a whole fucking half year of dialouge. but then now thatwe've done it... what now? what does someone like a sag go for, after having done it? hmmmm... time to call my astrological consultant. heehee.
but who cares, i've found another boy... a delicious libra... to repeat the same drama yet again. haha, but it's fun. and you know what, i'll venture to say that this is exactly what i need right now in my life... the simulacra of love...or sort of stretching for something i hope to find once i am more setteled. i think in the back of my head i know because my life is up in the air these next few months, nothing is for sure, especially starting of a relationship... or more specifically the continuation of one. and i think that's why everything is on fast forward for me, and emotionally amplified... because somehow it's like the elctronic "test, 1,2,3" that sound technicians do. and ultimately its kind of fun, starting a relationship. being an aries, i do love the begginning of things, and i guess i am just trying to crame as many meaningless begginnings of relationships in as i can. haha...so mean of me. of course, my virgo ascendant wants carry through... which is the much harder aspect of it all.
ok, i've realized that i am really moving into boredome land. haha, but i trust you my dear reader got bored long ago and actually never got this far. wink!
ok, so i am in taiwan now and will be for the next week. ahhh, finally some peace and quiet. despite the weird fact that they don't have real showers here, that is..no basin, just a shower head... so it's kind of like a gym shower except there is a toilet and a sink next to you, despite that, i do find this country amusing and even i dunno... charming. yesterday i spent an hour just getting "lost" in the small village i was born in... "Guo Go" "township" in the "Chia-yi" city, i guess is have you would term it. i got to see my grandmother again, and despite the fact we can'tr communicate, she speaking the local dialect only that i don't udnerstand, it was nice to see her, and who knows, it might be the last time i do. there was some good resolution in that. it's like when i saw my god father before he died, at least one last time. we never really know these things so when it comes up that it really could be the last time, its sort of nice to be able to do those mental acrobatics to "prepare". now today, we are in kaoshiung, where my cousin who lives with us in the states is...a nd thank god has internet... and air conditioning! haha. oh real quick... the long ass flight. it was long ass... 26 hours and no one really interesting to talk to. a strange fog of bad sleep, movies you've seen on other flights, mediocre food, and people's elbows and feet... a grand old time. sigh, maybe i can sit by a hot guy and psuedo flirt with him on the trip back... one can only hope. well, at least i have a good book that my friend recommended that i could read if nothing else.
so there you go... my life as it has been for the past two weeks. more to write late on of course, especially about my job situation....oooh, i wonder how its all gonna boil down. and of course, maybe my libra love will capture my heart when i get back, the heart so disingenously taken by so melodramatic!) by a surreptitious sag. and yes, squash, my feel good narcotic for the moment, i can't wait to play again.


Busy Is As Busy Does

the latter part of this past week has been exhausting and has revealed to me just how much i am looking forward to graduating and getting out of this on and off schedule, where when i am "on", it involves a ridiculously hectic schedule. let me explain. first let's explain that on tuesday afternoon i had a crappy pin up for studio. basically the idea that i had come up with over the previous weekend got blown out of the water by my professor. and in all honesty, i have to admit that i wasn't all that surprised though, since my proposal really was sort of "out there" you know. my professor was basically saying, "you know alex, i just don't know what to say to you", in that voice of complete and utter resignation or disinterest more like it. anyways, it wasn't really that big of a surprise or disappointment in the sense of creating crappy work, but it was a sense of impending doom that now...damn, i have to work extra hard or at least work hard enough to pull something out of my ass for the pin up crit we were going to have on thursday. well basically that night after the tuesday pin up, i was like... you know, fuck it. i am going to go play some squash.
yes! squash, it's my new fun hobby! it all started out when i found out that two people in my studio are like pretty good in squash having played varsity in high school or college or something. but anyways, so i and some other newbies in my studio decided... hey, how hard can it be? haha! so we decided to sign up for lessons and so on tuesday we had our first lesson. you know what i have to say, its pretty fun. especially on thursday when i went and practiced hitting some balls with a friend. man, i know we suck in terms of playing the game of squash, but you know we had a lot of fun and a good workout just hitting... well, mostly missing... the ball. and that's exactly what i am looking for now. anyways, it was a good way to get your mind off of studio.
oh yes, and tuesday night i also had a date as well. heehee. it was a fun date i have to admit eventhough we went to go watch the world's most horrible movie. the guy was very nice although being neurotic and argumentative as hell. i dunno what to make of something like that though, because on one hand it drives me up the wall when people disagree smartly with me, makes me feel kind of stupid i guess. but then on the other hand, its invigorating to meet someone with such...hmmm... character in a way. keeps you wondering what's all ticking there maybe? anyways, so after dinner and a movie we came back to harvard and haha, i invited him over with maybe not so subtle of a subtext of getting into his pants, but hey, i actually kind of like the guy in a real way so i figured no need to rush things. but hey, he came over easily enough and we talked and talked and talked, blah blah blah... which by itself wasn't all that bad honestly. and amongst the talking on the couch there was the occasionaly brushing of shoulders and you know, "moving the arms onto the back of the couch so that you could kind of put your arm around the guy move"... all signs that there was at least some sexual tension there if nothing else. oh... but i did learn something from that experience though and that is when you are in a situation like that, ones that potentially could lead to making out...a real downer at that particular moment is mentioning your ex boyfriend or talking about him. yeah, i am not sure it if was mutual, but after i had mentioned my ex, i felt a distinct shift in mood of the room. so i guess, more in response to diffusing that new tension as oppose to any other motive really, i just decided to make some playful ploy which involved simply poking him in the rib cage as a friendly retort to some stupid ass comment he made (which he apparently is adept at let me express). well, you know... touch is everything, and my stupid poke in his ribcage caused him to warn me not to do it again because he was ridiculously ticklish ("PLUS!" i was thinking... haha... ticklish guys are better in bed... wink wink)... which caused me to be even more naughty and try poking him again. and well, he grabbed my hand before i could poke him and well, when you're less than 6 inches away from a cute guy and in some form of embrace (that's not overtly hostile... thinking of wrestling, which I never found sexually exciting), its pretty much just animal instinct then. so long story made short, we found a good excuse to start making out. and to not bore my faithful readers with too much detail, let's just say that it was fun and that i enjoyed it and now i'm in that odd situation of wondering what it all means and where it all goes. jesus, i swear i am sometimes such a chick in these situations! chick in mentality but pretty guy-ish in actions though... meaning i probably will just wait and see what happens, i.e. do nothing. nonetheless, fun guy... fun times. maybe just what i needed to counterbalance the absolutely shitty rest of the week i had after that.
why so shitty? well, let me list the ways. well first of all...wednesday was mostly devoted doing studio work. such devotion that lasted till like 7:00 AM the next morning. ahhh, but at least i got something done. i don't know if it was any good i thought, but i am much too tired at this time too care. and then i had to go to work only two hours later. fabulous. actually honestly, for most of thursday i wasn't that tired surprisingly. i went through work pretty well and even got to do a little field trip errand to harvard square which i always enjoy. then i finally got back to studio and waited for an hour for plotting, but i guess i was so tired that i didn't even have enough energy to get annoyed. and how did the studio pin up go... actually...surprisingly well. i shouldn't give myself too much credit, because my professor in some ways kind of already told me what i should do anyways. so i had a good review and i had to relish it, because my partner, who also presented with me on tuesday review, that day he got a good review and i got the shit. well, the tables turned so i had my little internal chuckle... heehee. anyways, after studio, for some reason i actually felt i had energy to go play squash and so i did. but i'm kind of glad i did because, like i was mentioning before, i got a great workout and really had a fun time. after that i had to then work out a powerpoint presentation i was suppose to give the next day and print my resume stuff for the job fair that was coming the next day as well. i finally got home around one AM and conked out.
i am glad i didn't oversleep for the fair though but i can tell you friday was a very very difficult day. i had to keep a facade of alertness and interest all throughout the day. and in the middle of the day i had to give that presentation i was mentioning, thank god it wasn't a very long one. by that after noon i was exhausted from having had like only 6 or 8 hours of sleep in the span of three days... blah! i conked out and slept till like 9 pm, just in time to veg out in front of the tv and watch the SciFi channel season finale shows...whoo. don't you love my friday nights... haha. and then this weekend...sigh. i have to write an 8 page paper, go on a site visit, analyze what the hell actually happened at the job fair, and then work on studio. fabulous. busy is as busy does. i'm ready for a vacation! well, at least this whole week wasn't a total wash. my date was fun, squash was fun, my job fair interviews went allright and i have good prospects for further contact, and i am for the moment, at an allright place for studio. you know, when you list the good things that happened, things don't seem that bad i guess. heh heh. i'll write more about the job fair and my impressions later, but right now i have to go write that paper i mentioned, and go day dream about my fun date. wink!


Just Checking In

hey boys and girls. not much happening but i thought i should write something anyways. so yes. la de la la.... what's been going on? hmmm, one semi interesting thing is that i have a new task at work. i work in the fundraising and development office at my job and part our task in general is to deal with people who do give us money (we're a non-profit outfit) and people who might. so my new task is to do online sleuthing of people we've identified. it's sort of interesting to be concerted in your efforst about finding information about people online. it's sort of a structured form of "googling" your date you know. haha, googling. when is that going to get into the OED? anyways, so i spent a few hours this past week sleuthing on a little old lady in boston and found interesting hits here and there, just by her name. she owns a $2 million dollar property in boston, she went i think to U. Minnesota in like the 50's, she a staunch consistent supporter of democratic and liberal political groups, and she has a fancy for english literature, and her husband is a english literature professor. and some other facts here and there... oh yeah, her name also comes up on a porn site too... but hmmm, i doubt there is a real connection there. at least i hope not, the chick is like 80. haha.
studio has been very on and off this week, owning to the fact that our professor wasn't able to make it to studio himself. so we're sort of on our own. my god, wait till he springs on us that we are going to have a pin-up next week. yikes. well, as is alwasy in this part of the semester, i am getting interesting ideas for what i want to do. basically my dilema this semester is creating pedestrian connections across a completely pedestrian unfriendly road, that resembles more a highway than a road. who knows, maybe there's some typological merit in creating potential connections across highways... or it may be just a theoretical exercise. i like to think in terms of metaphors and was sketching out some things labeled... "bosque of trees", "sponge", "cheese", and "moldy cheese". haha... we'll see how that goes.
other classes? i have one class which is really kind of starting to unnerve me a little bit. it's a "real estate field studies" class and its a group project but the thing is...i feel very left out of the group. partly because the group was fairly instable at the begginning, people adding and dropping courses and what not, and also that i missed apparently a pivotal class in the begginning and while my other teammates have taken the ball, they really haven't passed it on. so i am just trying to make due with what i have and be as helpful as i can... but i am not sure excatly what is going on really.
i have been top notch in my exercise regime this past 2 week, i am proud to say. its been great. i really do go to the gym not almost everyday and my "schedule" is starting to solidify. and heehee, i am imagining that i am losing a little bit of that spare tire i accumulated over christmas break, thank god! anyways, its also kind of an excuse to check out the hot guys as well, but oh well... exercise is the main point and main, my arms are really showing it, even after only a week or so. somehow, i guess i should be happy that i have one of those physiques that immediately responds to strength training... now only if my abs responded so quickly. well, actually technically i think they do... it's just that i have a layer of nice warm fat over them that unless i am willing to starve myself (which i am not) i might actually be able to see my hot abs. haha. ahhh, can't be perfect i guess. oh, one other thing, i think i am going to be successful in hooking up with some people to play squash... or at least learn to play squash that is. we actually have two squash pros in our studio and so i and two others want to give them some game... haha. nice huh? my smoker lungs are gonna love that number!
in other news, hmmm. oh, i guess i should mention this, eventhough this is like completely the wrong venue for THAT kind of information, but i did happen to land myself some "play" over the week, ending my long long celibacy. ok, maybe not as long as i've had it before, but hey, the longest one really was looong! anyways, it was overall a fun time. we messed around and did the usual and it was a convenient, enjoyable time. i doubt it will be repeated though, at least with that person, and just as well. i got the impression that i was one of those "rebound" lays that one goes through after a relationship has just ended, and hmmm, even beyond the fact that we didn't have that much "personality" chemistry, i usually try to steer clear of that kind of baggage. it's just no good. anyways, didn't get a hot date with my secret crush, but well, took care of business in another way. and speaking of secret crush, we supposedly have a date for this tuesday. but i think i said that last week too and that didn't happen. booo. man, getting a date is so fucking complicated! haha.
but i should be thinking of other things really. like getting ready for the job fair that is coming up this week and preparing for the two interviews i have. of late, i am really begginning to think if things don't pick up more, i probably will be going down to houston. which i am not disappointed in, but again... i'm greedy about having choice choice choice. eventhough if we can draw a parralel, i go to the same restaurants and order the same food almost all the time. i'm not really much of a fellow to exercise "choice", but its nice to have i guess. ahh.. pyschology. also i have papers to finish and papers to start thinking about. somewhere stuck in there should also be studio work. ahhhh!
what am i talking about. most of this weekend i have spent watching TV. heehee. well, that's been my week. sort of uneventful in general, but oh well... i guess this is the decompression time from all that Dubai fun!