
Boy Who Can Sing

well... his stuff is kind of cheesy. but its cute... and so is he.
"Your Body is a Temple".. well, like duh.
"Housewife" ... this song is totally cute and yes, i wanna be an overly-educated housewife.

Summer Vacation 2007 : Dessert

finally, provincetown itself! this is the third installment of the provincetown summer vacation and i have to honestly say that every single year it gets better and better, or simply, it gets more and more "unusual" and “colorful”. and what is provincetown if not a venture into the unusual and colorful? like robert says in his own blog, the year showcased a new cast of characters (quite a few this time around), and a whole new plot of gay drama. haha. fun times!
so our little adventure started on a VERY early thursday morning, doing the usual multi modal transit to get out of new york (this is why new york is so hard to leave!). we had to subway to penn central, take the lirr to jamaica station, ride the air train to JFK, and then finally go through check in and security (and actually, even though we woke at freaking 5:30 AM... we got to the airport... "just" in time for boarding. oh well, at least the flight went off without a hitch and honestly i think i just slept the whole way. we got to logan and quickly found the first of our Ptown 07 character additions... derek (how do you spell his name anyway... whatever, this is how i'll spell it). i met derek like three years ago once when he joined robert and i for a thanksgiving dinner. it was my second thanksgiving in new jersey and it was i think one of my first real "big" culinary productions... even if it was for three people only. i remember the kitchen afterwards being an absolute mess. anyways, it was a fabulous event of course and it was great to meet one of robert's college friends.
funny thing is, three years ago derek was "straight". last thanksgiving when robert came to visit houston, i was informed that mr. derek had decided to come out a few months before and was going through the early trials and tribulations of newbie gaydom.... i'll let your imagination go on itself here... haha. anyways, now almost a year later after his own coming out, i was curious to see what the transformation was like... although i can't really remember much about him in the first place anyways.... since i only met him for 2-3 hours that one night. ha, that could sound strange in other contexts. anyways, i'm sure he was going to be a fun addition to our ptown posse.
we met up and then found the silver line to the sea port where we had a quick lunch before meeting up with derek's and robert's other friend.... a certain susan, whom i was also excited to see, having heard of her only vicariously. we all seemed to gel very quickly and soon enough we were on the fast ferry to provincetown. it was pretty cool, especially being able to see the vista of the city of boston from the waterside... which is most impressive i think. i will also not forget the boat going under the flight landing path as well and a jet maybe about only 200 feet above us... ha... whoa, that's big! haha.
the ferry lasted about an hour and a half and i was trying to enjoy it as much as possible but to be honest, my lower back had decided to act up when i woke up that morning...and it was PAINFUL! i was trying not to be a cry baby but it was beginning to be excruciating! unfortunately, this pain is still with me, almost three weeks later, and its made me go get an appointment with a doctor to see what exactly is up... pinched nerve? slipped disk? i dunno... anyways, lest i digress. during the trip i had to share a little laugh with susan about the little secret about me that she knew because robert apparently couldn't keep his mouth closed about. it was a pretty much funny-haha moment between us but i wanted to clear the air, just in case robert mis-told it.... i wanted to let her know the issues from my perspective. it was all good though.
provincetown was as idyllic as ever... and i liked susan, who being very new york, couldn't get enough of the "quaintness" of the town... which in all honestly, is very true. so we got onto the main drag and started walking towards our house that robert rented...and kept walking... and walking...and walking. i'm sure it was the exhaustion from the morning travels but the house seemed faaaaar away. but eventually we realized it was pretty allright and not really that far. when we finally got to the place though... i have to say that its fabulous definitely made up for being a little out of the way. the two bedroom joint was very nice... and the actual owners... duane and ron... man, we could just feel them there even if they weren’t... since there saccharin photos with each other were everywhere... haha. but seriously, the house was VERY nice.... it had a fantastic kitchen, beautiful views, and a rocking porch and roof deck! i knew we would have a good time at this house! with or without my painful leg that that evening started spasming... great! i think throughout the whole trip my only option was just to keep drinking to dull the pain... haha. oh well... two birds with one stone right?
so we settled in, played with the sound system, and took a quick nap. we eventually went into town for a late dinner at that fusion place we happen to always go to every time... and guess what... for the third time, i got the fantastic gouda burger that they offered...and also a lychee martini where they gave you the shaker as well.... which in the end amounted to like three drinks... no complaints here! anyways, dinner was fabulous and company was equally incandescent. after dinner we decided to do a quick nightcap at A-House, but it was honestly pretty lame so we didn't stay too long.
i eventually fell asleep around 4 am, after being too tired to notice the leg spasms (god... what a fucking drag for my vacation!) and i woke up lazily the next morning around 11 or noon or something. robert went out for a run (he's really into that now) and he dragged derek with him. susan had gone out for her own little exploration earlier in the morning so i found myself with the place all to myself. i decided to take a little soak in the jucuzzi tub and just in general have a relaxing time trying to ease away the leg issues. afterwards, i started my walk to the only real grocery market in provincetown. it wasn't too bad, about a 20 minute walk. for the next hour or so i was pushing my cart around the grocery market doing my little gay thing thinking of the fabulous dishes i would make that evening for a party of six (jay and hunter from the weekend before were meeting us in ptown as well... yay, more characters!). shopping was fun i have to say, and eventually i met up with robert and we took a cab back to the house. i stocked the fridge and being famished and tempted for an hour with grocery food, then proceeded to go with derek to actually have lunch.
i'm glad i got to have a little one on one time with derek, picking his brain about what he was going through. i think the most interesting viewpoint he has is his theory of "balance" or "status quo" in the relationship game. basically, derek believes that, basically to protect oneself, and to simply play the relationship game that is , there has to be this perpetuation of a one two, one two, back and forth sort of interchange... so like if you call him (the guy you’re interested in)... you MUST wait for him to call you back....before you call him again… that way no one has a distinct advantage, or is more in control, or is compromised or vulnerable, etc. etc. so basically every action must create a reaction before it can progress further.... a particularly "reactive" methodology as opposed to "proactive".... in my opinion. but ... it was interesting non-the-less.... not sure if i'd subscribe to it.... but it was illuminating like a national geographic show.
after lunch, i immediately started making dinner... haha. i cooked about two hours or so and actually the other guys (and gals) made significant contributions and at the end, we had a beautiful buffet to enjoy... just in time for jay and hunter. it was good to see the couple again and the rest of the weekend, they were integral in providing some of the most memorable moments of provincetown. dinner included baked fried chicken and gravy (not bad)... blackberry ribs (not all that great)... pilaf (good since it was packaged haha)... maple carrots (very nice)... green beans with asian vinagrette (pretty good).... salad with almonds and grapes (yummy) ... and sausage stuffed mushrooms (robert adored these). even with finicky eaters and all, i think everyone found something to eat and dinner overall was a success. after dinner we hung around a little, chatted, drank and then despite pleading susan to come out with us, she decided to stay in and clean.... so we "boyz" went out.
our first stop was the "crown and anchor" which was pretty quite but the highlight was actually this little art exhibit on erotic art. We then sat on the patio underneath neon palm trees and just chatted about various topics. then we moved our little party to atlantic house which was slightly better with something of a crowd. we had a few beers and just sort of mingled on the back patio... met an interesting character we shall call "husband guy" because he was adamant about describing himself being married despite the “husband” not being in town “yet” and the fact he was being quite "friendly". well ... at least i left atlantic house that evening with the title of "asian paris hilton". "that's hot".
you know though, i dunno if it was being in new york, or being around so many gay folk for so long, but i was feeling very hmmm... gay, during my time in provincetown. i mean, gay in the sense of being attitudy.... projecting a determined sense of fabulous-ness. maybe it was more that i felt OK to do it so i even pumped it up a little bit more... haha. love it.... dope.
the next day was a little more relaxed. after waking up deliciously late (and also unfortuanetly missing susan's departure... bye susan... it was fabulous!) we "boyz" went to do a little walk around town, up and down commercial, prancing our goods, and looking for eye candy (which honestly there wasn't much of). we stopped in a few gay gay stores (i.e. Marc Jacobs) and finally came to lunch rest at lobster pot... the traditional restaurant of choice for robert and i in provincetown. i had a wonderful "oyster russian" appetizer and a almodine fish main course. it was very cute! after that, robert went to go meet jay and hunter at the "tea-dance” but i decided to sit that one out this time around and went back to the house with derek. we both just rested and napped and eventually I woke up and started making dinner again.... since actually i had completely forgotten to make the pasta dish i had planned for the night before. so for the second night in a row, i made dinner for “my people”. the tea-dancers came back and we had a fabulous dinner again with wonderful appetizers of cosmopolitans... which i LOVED! haha... of course, we were just trying to save money by getting buzzed before hitting the bars and clubs.
which worked because even though i had only one beer at atlantic house... i was nicely buzzing the whole night from the five cosmos and three beers i had at the house. and even better, this night at a-house was something to write home about. the crowd was very good... and thank god... the hot boys came out. they even had a little strip tease contest and let me tell you, i know how to pick them because the boy i had my eye on... of course... won! he was a delicious little thing. later on "husband guy" found our little party again but it was allright... we started dancing, and you know, i was toasted already, and probably would have danced with everyone. at one point i found myself in a sandwich situation between "husband guy" and hunter (who when drunk is somewhat of a flirt... but still somewhat gentlemany about it... when he's not trying to take your shirt off or pinch your nipples)... haha... ahh... good times good times.
and just as a further note on jay and hunter... i really enjoyed this couple. my 10 sec psych evaluation of them is that they're a great couple... love to piss each other off and drive each other crazy.... but totally into each other. it's like a phrase in a great jay brannan song... "he drives me fucking crazy, i am his everything". robert does a hilarious impression of jay talking about hunter... haha... classic.
the evening was full of good dancing, good drinking, good smokes, and colorful characters. alas, this being massachusettes, atlantic house closed down at 1:30 (what??!!). but no fear... robert and i took the provincetown initiates to another tradition... that of spiritus pizza for the sidewalk sale... haha, and it was a sidewalk sale! robert was eyeing this one guy sitting on a bench and so i totally told him to just go and talk to him.... unfortunately robert's modus operandi figured that is IF he talked to the nasty old guy sitting next to cute guy he might be able to draw cute guy into the conversation eventually... OK... this does not work robert!
so instead of cute guy, robert ends up talking to "J", the nasty lecherous old guy and somehow our "Jay" gets into the conversations as well and "J" professes his love for "Jay" or something like that. Ok, I was feeling this was so last season when finally someone said we needed to go. so we boyz left "J" to his own machination and were walking towards the next ptown tradition, that is dick dock... when who comes along on his bike, offering "turkey and eggs"????!!! and of course, hunter being as blitzed as he was, actually entertained this loser and got on his bike.... even though all of us were trying to get him off. ok... so i was getting pissed and when i'm half drunk... the diva really comes out. in full condescending gay diva mode i made my way through the pack, got hunter off the bike, patted "J" on the bike and said.... ok, so like we're gonna go now... buh bye. the following conversation ensued....
J : "who are your people?!"
A : "excuse me"
J : "who are your people?"
A : "uh yeah, so i'm going to ignore that and we're going to leave"
J : "well, i'm just old fashioned and try to be nice to people and you're not being nice"
A : "ok, so yeah, we appreciate your niceness... but i think we've had enough of your "niceness"... so maybe we'll call it a night now"
J : "well good night then" ... the freaks then ensues a juvenile staring contest
A : "good night!"
J : "you have a good night!"
A : thinking in my head and not responding.... "not worth my time.... whatever" … mental “whatever” symbol with my hands… haha
so we started walking the other way... away from dick dock... and loser "J" went on his merry way.... haha... to whatever hole he crawled out of. but of course, (drunk) hunter REALLY wanted to see dick dock. and for some reason, the other boys didn't want to... and so i "chaperoned" hunter to dick dock. it was interesting i have to say. i have to give it to hunter that within 2 minutes of standing around there was a guy trying to entice him. actually it was kind of funny as an observer because hunter was completely taking it as a joke and was actually "trying to get to know" the guy.... in an increasingly loud voice. of course, anyone who knows dick dock knows that "getting to know each other" and speaking (at all) is really not the way the go. i was chuckling the whole time. eventually though i knew both of us would get into trouble and be kicked out so i took hunter.... while prying the nasty guy away from hunter (to the guy's dismay.. but i was asian paris hilton incarnate in full force at that time so i couldn't care less)... and we left. not without hunter bopping his head against one of the overhead pier beams... haha... that's what you get for going to dick dock! it was all good though... everyone behaved very well.
ahhhh... good times. that was a fun evening i have to say. in general, it was a fabulous vacation.
the next day was pretty much devoted to a quick cleaning of the house, and then heading back on the return ferry to boston. much of the transit back i really don't remember because i was sleeping most of it, recuperating from the night before. robert and i (derek left us in boston for his flight back to DC) finally got back to the UES, and the rest of the evening was spent with a lazy dinner and watching a movie that was an absolute letdown... a jennifer garner movie, catch and release (well, at least 13 going on 30 was still fabulous!). that was my last evening in nyc.
the trip back to houston was a bitch... simply said. the flight out of newark was delayed about 4 hours and by the time we left newark, all the flights out of dallas to houston were already gone. Even though i got a hotel voucher, i was in no real mood to find myself the hotel so for some strange reason i decided that staying in the airport wouldn’t be so bad. it was THAT bad... haha. there was something i realized on this trip concerning my physical state... in general i am out of cardio shape... and i am too old to sleep on an air mattress... and i am too old to spend a zombie night in the aiport... where none of the seats are conducive to sleeping. my leg also started acting up AGAIN that night and it was just... PAINFUL. the next morning i FINALLY got back into houston around 10 ish. mei came to pick me up and i was hadly in the mood to talk.
unfortunately my vacation ended on a crap note... but still, the overwhelming mass of it... was good times good times. once all the photos are organized, i'll definitely post them. but i hope you, dear readers, have had a good time reading this long tri-part entry. definitely delicious!


Summer Vacation 2007 : Entree

after a fun weekend filled with new faces, new places, and new paces… i decided that monday should be a day of rest and relaxation, even in the hustle bustle big apple. so while robert woke early to go to work, i lazily got out of bed about nine or ten o’clock, just in time to catch a cab to my massage appointment at mario badescu’s. i decided to take a cab because the rain that morning was somewhat biblical and the trek to the subway would have required a five avenue walk west to only walk another five avenues east… they need a fucking subway line down first through the UES for god’s sake. The massage appointment was pretty efficient, didn’t wait long at all before a small yet portly japanese woman came into my room, proceeded to get on top of me and perform “reiki”… while telling me how i looked like i was 38 and that my energy was not flowing at all…. haha. you wanna tip girl? later on she told me I looked more like I was 25. haha… new york for you.
after that experience (it wasn’t too bad… but i have a suspicion that those contortions i went through may have set off the already almost two weeks of lower back and right thigh pain I’ve been having!) i walked up park avenue leisurely towards the whitney museum. stopped in at a little diner, and had lunch before proceeding down that chic avenue…. walking pass the new Tom Ford store…. oooh. bow down, i am not worthy. haha. It turns out that the whitney was closed on mondays…so i changed my plans and walked towards fifth and eighty something to go to the guggenheim. i strolled by the MFA and thought about going in but that place is just so dizzyingly big that you always leave feeling like you didn’t see enough but are too exhausted to go on. the guggenheim was much more digest-able, especially since one of the exhibits was a video screening in a dark room with nice comfy club chairs, which i decided to occupy one and take a not so surreptitious nap of about an hour. refreshed… i concluded my visit to the guggenheim and crossed half of manhattan on 79th. finally got back to robert’s place. that evening robert came up with the bright idea of going for a run on the park along the east river. so we went and the first 15 minutes were fine for me but eventually i knew i had hit my limit and was officially out of shape when i felt like throwing up into the east river and my face was exploding in a heat rash. fun! so anyways, robert continued running (go robert!) to the one of those bridges that goes to Brooklyn/ Queens… and i just walked my merry way, enjoying the actually very nice park. we finally got back to his apartment, robert made dinner (whooo) and we rented a movie… holiday... that was a trip. i was afraid to get it out of the DVD player after we watched it because it was just such a sticky sick sweet film… blehhhh. of course the highlight of the evening was when robert proclaimed that he wanted TO BE Cameron Diaz (who was in the movie). mind you… he didn’t say… i want to be LIKE camerion diaz… his statement was of the gender bending kind. haha… I think nyc has gotten to you robert.
the next day i made my way down to philadelphia, an easy two hour bus ride and the perfect opportunity for me to read some more pages of the book i have been attempting to read since last september… love in the time of cholera. you know, its just one of those books that aren’t grippingly engaging so you don’t really feel the absolute urge to get through it. i feel like i should finish it only on principal. anyways, so i got into philly about three or so, met samuel quickly to get his keys and then just went back to his place, took a nap before he got back from work. again, like many of my friends i saw over my vacation, it was great to see sam again. we hung out at his place a little longer, both took a nap, before heading out to what I think is my favorite italian place in philadephia… this cute little sidewalk joint just down from the kimmel… that has the most amazing veal cannelloni with béchamel sauce. of course, sam, being vegetarian, couldn’t delight in this culinary treat. after dinner, we walked back his place and since it was too late for a movie, decided to just watch a video of his. watching 12 monkeys after years of not seeing it was just like watching it anew and it was entertaining. and our fun evening ended on that note, the next morning, i left at the same time he went to work, walking him to work, saying goodbye, and turned towards the busride home. Once I got back to new york, i had scheduled to meet another old friend… ira, from gsd. she was as fabulous as ever and we had a great lunch at a greasy chinese place in chinatown. after a quick pulse on each other’s lives, she had to go back to work… but it was definitely good to see her again! the rest of the afternoon was pretty mundane i have to admit, doing laundry… $4.50 for a wash???!!! but then that evening, i met up again with yvonne to meet her boyfriend and to also see some old cornell people… well, just one… andrew fisher from architecture, and one of yvonne’s friends that i had met before. it was a fun evening i have to say… some drinks first at this union square bar (i love union square! if i ever move to new york i want to live near there… it is the perfect urban square in my opinion!) and then down the street to do some bowling. good times good times! and yes, i got a chance to meet yvonne’s squeeze of the last two years and have to approve… seemed like a nice… even though he’s straight. haha. at the end of the evening yvonne took the downtown train while we two waited for the uptown trains… he left on the express and before he went i said goodbye and told him to take care of yvonne or i’d kick his ass. haha… what else is the gay male best friend suppose to do for his most fabulous fruit fly? note…we gay boys over the following weekend decided that fruit flies were, by definition, fabulous straight women capable of getting male straight dates but that just enjoy the company of gay men…. Where as fag hags were trolly overweight poor souls who replaced real heterosexual relationships with being parasitical (at times) attachments to fabulous gay men. compare… my friend yvonne and ron’s fag hag… cathy. yikes… i shudder at the memory of that fat bitch. haha.
that was wednesday evening, the day before our sojourn to mythical provincetown. i think I’ll leave the shenanigans of ptown with its very own entry. i had been on vacation for a week, and i’d have to admit that almost everyday was really stock full of experiences. it had been a crazy vacation… but completely fulfilling. i honestly did muss the northeast very much so, for the people i knew before who were still there, but also for just the experience of living in a place like that. texas really might as well be a different country i think sometimes. wednesday night i was completely excited to be leaving for provincetown, for more, even crazier, adventures, but actually also so that i could sleep on a real bed for a few days. robert’s “air mattress” unfortunately had been doing a number on my back for the past few days. sigh…. simply another sign that you aren’t so young anymore alex. oh well, at least I think i’m becoming more fabulous the older i get. ha.


Summer Vacation 2007 : Appetizer

so yes, i'm going to try to remember the fun filled week and a half i had in the northeast, a full week or so after i got back to houston. i'm sure i'll miss a few details, but i'm sure all the hot points i'll get to. so anyways, i ended up having to work that tuesday and wednesday after memorial day, despite hopes that i could just lump those two days into my vacation as well, and not go at all that week. alas, i was caught up doing CAD for this project, which i am still working on at the present moment... which isn't the most fun thing honestly... but oh well. anyways, nothing particularly noteworthy happened at work those two days except just some hurried moments making sure my ass was as covered as it could be, since i wasn't going to be back for almost two weeks.
so my vacation started thursday and thursday was a classic "let's just waste time" day. i actually had a few things i wanted to do like clean the yard, plant some new plants, clean, etc.... but once i finally rolled out of bed around noon... well... i pretty much decided to just waste the rest of the day... hey, i'm on vacation. oh... i did get my laundry done! haha.
friday early morn esau took me to the airport. the trip to NYC pretty much went on schedule, only about an hour delay in the end...which these days, is a god send... and compared to the ordeal i went through to get back to houston... it was luxury. even though i got off at newark and not really "the city", i felt the slight tingle of a different place almost immediately. new york has a definite vibe... and like learning to ride a bike... you never forget it. on my almost two hour trek from EWR via njtransit to penn station and then subway to 77th street and then a 5 avenue walk east to robert's place.... i caught myself feeling the strange sensation of being "in" a city. people thrown together, jostling, power walking down the street, sunglasses on, earbuds in, oblivious and untouchably cool and completely artificial.... yes, i was in new york, i was in manhattan! i loved it. it was scary at first having acclimated to the vehicular ascepticness of houston, but soon, i learned to love new york again. for a split second, i was sorry i left, but i realized then again, i never had really arrived in new york... so who was i to feel sorry about myself for?
i met robert right on the sidewalk... how new york! after dropping off my bags at his place... yes... still the TINY, yet homely upper east side get-up (the one where you can't sit fully on the john)... we went to take care of my famished state at a lovely new yorky thai bistro... filled with beautiful boys (ok, its part of the gloss of new york after a long while.... the belief that there are SO MANY MORE good looking boys). stomach and eyes filled, robert took me to his usual alcoholic haunt, a east village joint called "Phoenix". it was simple... cute... and surprisingly the beer was cheap, comparatively. at Phoenix apparently the intoxicating vapors of a new new york hadn't worn off because the parade of beautiful men continued... but with an interesting twist. this place phoenix was like a pu pu platter of handsome men... from suit and tie types (oh, i am so busy i couldn't drop off my trendy yet wall street compliant messenger bag at home) to artsy fartsy types with long luscious locks and those over abused square "designer" eye-glasses... as if myopia was fashionable these days. a few clean cut frat boys and some gym bunnies thrown in.... and my god... it was manhunt.net in real life. we even met a prostitute... or at least a gold-digger... haha. and i also realized that even in new york, there is still definitely asian fetish game to be had.... want it or not. phoenix was fun, robert i approve.
i had two beers at phoenix... and after an exhausting day of travel and then huffing on the drug new new york... i was clearly buzzed and needing to go home. me and robert jovially bitched about how it was only midnight and we were going home because we were tired... god we're old. haha... good times.
somehow, i found the energy the very next day to do some more traveling, as i went bright and early to meet yvonne so we could make a trek to the fabled fire island. we were like two peas in a pod once again... it was just so nice to see her again. to think that we new each other back in that far away place called college (or of course, that i knew robert in that galaxy far far away called high school). fire island was delicious.... talk about getting your fill of eye candy. i think even i was getting on yvonne's nerves saying how cute that man was, or how cute that man was, etc. etc. i just couldn't help myself. the crescendo i really think was when we were walking along the beautiful beach and along the sand bluff, there was a line of at least 15 or so... beautiful, buffed, bronzed specimens of scrumptious masculinity on skimpy display... it was like an international male catalouge... in real life. the cutest scene tho was later in the day when i noticed two little boys, no more than seven or so, walking down the beach, hand in hand.... apparently all the other guys were doing it... what did they know? haha. so we explored "the Pines" on Fire Island.. even venturing towards "Cherry Grove"... apparently the lesbian town... but once the cute boardwalk ended at the border of the two "towns"... we took that as a sign that we were leaving civilization. we weren't feeling that crazy that day.... back to gay town.
i finally got back to manhattan around seven or so and after a quick breather went to dinner with robert at a cute mexican place where over margaritas we made a toast to being fabulous and single gay men... since we were dishing over the gay couple we would be meeting shortly... a certain jay and hunter. i feel the need to get on my self imagined pulpit sometimes and whip robert into shape... telling him that being single can be the most wonderful thing in the world sometimes... well, i was just trying to make him feel better from what he’s been recently telling me about.... honestly.... i wonder if i even believe what I say... haha. i do believe tho... that single or not... being fabulous however.... is always a good call.
so i met jay and hunter. my first impressions were... oh... tall guys. second impressions... oh... a… slightly… bigger new york apartment. after a nice shared bottle of wine on the rooftop terrace of their walk-up, we decided to do a little chelsea bar hopping so I could get to know the wonderfully enviable (not) couple. in all honestly, i had a wonderful time with these boys, and honestly... i think they are a perfect match for each other. robert terms them the gay version of "chris and carrie" (who apparently are also robert's point of reference for all relationships)... and having known both chris and carrie during my time in boston... i actually have to agree with robert on this point. we gay boys went first to the silly excuse of a "sports bar" called "gym"... actually a pretty silly excuse for a gay bar as well in my opinion. after a quickly downed beer we went to barricuda... which robert took me to last time i was new york... and that i enjoyed. i enjoyed this time as well... mostly because barricuda has a place to sit and lounge... i've realized that i really don't like standing when "bar-ing"...i guess i am just lazy or think i look better reclined. ha. over the course of the evening i got a chance to mostly talk to jay of jay and hunter. and even though me and robert disagree about who's the catch in that equation, both these boys are mucho fun. well…maybe.... after about 20 minutes of pretending to be interested in jay's conversation, even my eyes were starting to glaze. i blame it on the drink tho... as jay was trying to have an intelligent conversation which in my sober state i think i would have fully appreciated... but being on vacation and drinking on vacation... i found myself doing the polite giggle and nod and the famous "big smile". even robert later on remarked how he thought me and jay had really made a connection.... ah robert... just one of the small tactics of being fabulous... "pretending to give a shit".
everyday in new york is a day to remember. after fire island and chelsea saturday.... i obviously felt the need to repent... so what else but accompanying robert to St. Barths... the gayest church on the chic upper east? it's really midtown in my book.... by its on Park Avenue... so i'll let that slide. i am glad i went tho... robert pointed out to me former new jersey governor McGreevey, post-scandalous gay outing. he seemed very happy... now with his appropriately-aged new boyfriend. my absolution was thankfully granted after only 30 minutes so i decided to jet the joint and again pretended to be a fabulous manhattanite... black suit, pink shirt, sporty black adidas sambas, unbiquitous bronzed sunglasses and cigarette... walking down tony 5th avenue... being disgusted by all the damn "tourists".
in front of the astoria hotel, i whipped out my cell phone, and in classic alex business mode, made plans for my hot hook-up later that afternoon. ha... i even surprise myself sometime. so yeah, i hooked up with this guy the last time i was in new york, almost a year ago... a guy who i originally met back in boston but he had moved to nyc soon after we met (sans hook-up)... and well... to get to the point... it was hot. i definitely was up for redoux... and so was he.
robert finally felt clean and able to leave the church so i met up with him and we went to a cute little brunch place and talked about men... how typical. we basically walked back to his place, it being a wonderful new york day. i took a little nap to prepare for my festivities later. and i sure am glad i did. can i just say? this man is a definite champ ... a f*ck machine to be crude about it. if i lived in new york.... i honestly have to say that this man would be my perfect fuck-buddy. and i wax eloquent like carrie bradshaw.... here is a man that is fun, friendly, handsome, easy to get along with, and fantatsic in bed! and samantha jones's reply.... how can you take a man you only want great sex with...and to humanize him? my brief time in new york was like sex and the city. anyways.... i had fun... and after our hot reunion.... i even got to take another nap spooning the perfect FB... before we hit it again.
that evening i had the pleasure of meeting another of robert's friends that i have only known of vicariously... a certain Joe. we went to meet him and go watch a movie of his choosing.... which was... boring. eventually i decided that joe was boring too.... not becuase he didn't try not to be boring... but he's one of those snide, pompous, self-absorbed gay "boys" (here i do use the term denigratingly) who thinks he's interesting, but upon scrutiny... falls easily into my nice and tidy, and unfortunately, often, over-flowing, "empty minds" box... and therefore… automatically become boring. hmmm...again... my fabulous ability of seeming like i give a shit shone brilliantly that night. please... i'm a southerner... we are nothing if not at least courteous... to your face. so that’s was my impression of Joe.
to be continued.