Life, et cetera

ironically though, even though i’m making it seem like i’m ridiculously busy or something, i’m actually using some dead time at work to write this entry. well … not really “dead” time. it’s more like, “i really don’t want to work but i can’t find any reasonable excuse to leave work early” time. haha! its just one of those days you know. anyways, since its becoming obvious that i can’t bring myself to blog when i do have real free time at home, i guess i’ll just use this sort of artificial “free time” at work created from my procrastination (since i do have real “work” that i should be doing!).
my last entry was a somewhat poetic epistle regarding a sense of beautifully tragic touristic loss incurred from visiting a place so exciting and new that it was scary. or maybe it was just a subtle suggestion that i am getting old and less able to adapt to novel situations. anyways, hopefully i’ll make some free time to post up the crazy pictures (and videos) that i took of “toooe-kee-yo”. after Tokyo , i attempted to transition myself back to normal life as quick as possible. i have to admit that first week was kind of rough. in addition to jet-lag, i also had a ridiculous amount of things to do at work… actually juggling three projects at the same time. one project was actually pretty short and sweet, being a quick charette project. the other two projects became the meat of the following weeks though, and in a good way, working on two projects simultaneously i’ve found to be relatively refreshing because when you don’t feel like working on one project, there’s always something to do on the other one. well… usually that is … but there’s also the situation like now, where there are both things to do on both projects, but i don’t want to work on either.
i’d like to mention these two “meaty” projects briefly though because as a pair, they are VERY similar and in some way have sort of type-casted my work at SWA of late. one project is the china project, the one i got to fly to asia for in the first place. in some ways, it’s a bit “ghetto bling”, being seemingly fabulous, but really on the inside kind of crude and cheap. basically it’s a subdivision, but being a Chinese developer project.. it has to be fabulous but in an almost hmmm… noveau riche... kind of way. really great project on paper but one that being a "realistic" designer makes me constantly think ... hmmmm, yeah right. my other project is also a subdivision planning project, but instead of china, its right here in good old Houston . its been fun bouncing these two processes off of each other i have to admit. both projects have been pushing yield and trying to squeeze in more lots, houses, units, et cetera. but whereas the Chinese project and its developers sometimes seem as lost as we are (or simply they are unwilling to share needed information), the Houston developers are slightly more sophisticated and slightly more “long sighted”. its been novel work for sure … and sometimes i wonder, do i really know anything about subdivision planning for real? but hey, i just try to apply the design concepts i know and also simple personal design taste to these spaces; in the end, all designers have an inherent repertoire of design tricks they like using. i’ve also noticed an interesting detail in the work i do at SWA. in both projects, even though i’m relatively at the bottom of the totem pole… all the actual work is done by me. basically i design, draw up, and think over these plan iterations, then pass it by my supervisor, get his comments, redesign and revise, and then let him and my principal on the project present the project to the client and answer questions in a way that i had to prompt them for... in a way. this is especially true in the Chinese project where there is a language barrier between me and the clients (good Chinese versus bad Chinese!) so its difficult for myself to really communicate directly with them… and also that my supervisor in china is quite the “designer” herself. the Houston clients however, seem slightly more interested in what i individually have to say; but it’s a little bit of shock to realize that people are actually shutting up to hear you talk. haha. sometimes i make myself think… am i happy at what i do for a living. in general… yes.
one thing that i have finally gotten around to completing after MONTHS of procrastination is that i am finally registered to start taking the ARE, or architectural registration or licensing, exam. now i am just registered to be able to take the test, that doesn’t mean i have started testing… or even started studying for the test now mind you. haha… that will take some more effort… but at least i’m registered! whoooo. go alex.
in other psuedo work related news, my whole "green" agenda that i mentioned at work has been slowly acumulating inertia. the company as a whole now actually has started "commitees" to assess the potential of this shift. now thats all good and all, but understanding beauracracy, i certainly am not holding my breath for any real change. so, i've been working on the home front more really... doing direct actions that benefit the houston office. they are small steps, but i do believe that small steps still carry weight and one day this will become simply de rigeur in teh company ... which would be great. even if i am not recognized as the pusher of it, its still personal satisfaction. we recently passed earth day without much fanfare except for a fun little blog "newsletter" i created that showcases all the small, probably un-noticed things that i and a few others have pushed forward. its a nice testament to this "grassroots" sort of movement, check it out. SWA Green E-Wall.
Not much else in work news. there has been this growing sense of responsibility though. i was given a psuedo "coordination" type of task with a sub-consultant which was kind of fun. i think i handled it pretty well and now with teh houston subdivision, i'm actually meeting with the client almost weekly, and in a small way, i think they are getting the idea that i am doing most of teh actual designing too and are just asking directly what "my" ideas are.... pretty shweet dude! before you know it, i'll make associate... and be really able to push the green agenda. oh one interesting thing is that with this sort of "mission" of sorts, it has made me more pro-active about meeting people in the "profession"... that is trying to establish contacts that can give us more information and expertise in things landscape architects and urban planners can do. in less than a month's time, i've initiated and set up four or so upcoming "lunch and learns" for the office... and probably gotten on the nerves of the front office ladies who are constantly getting emails from me about things like recycled toilet paper to regional leaders in "smart growth". oh well, all in a day's work.
my social life also seems to be busy, well, at least when you look at it in over a month's time i guess. during this span of non-blogging my 29th birthday came and went. the actual weekend of it was pretty dismal i have to say. well.... it was "OK". the week leading up to the birthday, only a very few of my friends seem to have remembered and at least said "happy birthday'. i actually went back to houston for my birthday and celebrated with my parents. my folks do try their best but when you have to drive around yourself looking for a birthday dinner place to eat, you kind of wonder how much time and energy people put into something like this and also that they figured they'd just ask me while i was in dallas what i wanted and hadn't even attempted to buy anything (i eventually got a schnazzy bluetooth set for my car... its pretty cool!) oh well... it was nice however, and my folks did remember at least this year! haha. the real sore part though to me was that my friends in houston seemed to have forgotten. i even sort of ranted to my cousin while driving back how it seemed pathetic to call your friends to come celebrate your own birthday... boo to that!
but it turned out they pulled the wool over my eyes though. now i don't think they really meant too, because i only told them i was leaving for dallas for my birthday weekend like two days before i left so i think they had to make a quick change of plans... and they sure did. the idea was non-chalantly emailed about to have drinks at kahl and andy's place befor egoing out teh saturday after my birthday weekend. i got there to their place and nobody was about... and of course i walked into the room... and it was SURPRISE! it was very cute i have to say and made me feel... aww shucks i do have friends! i thinka ctually it was my first real real surprise birthday party.... it was pretty sweet. the boys all got together, made food, had drinks, and even got a scandalous "penis" cake that we have plenty of compromising photos of people trying to "eat". haha! it was all around a fun evening. by the time the party was over at andy and kahl's i was getting toasted and then we went to the bars and it was pretty much downhill from there. i had GREAT fun that night though... a bit too much probably, as i ended up making out with a boy... a "new" guy to the group that andy was trying ridiuclously hard to set me up with for some reason.
now making out was fun and all... but i later realized that i tend to do stupid things when i am drunk, such as kissing a boy i don't really have that much chemistry with... but whatever, the music was good, and we were 'dirty" dancing, and we ended up making out. we did "a little" more than that in the car after but i was a relative good girl and later he just dropped me off and my legs had not even opened the slightest... haha. what was kind of crappy though about the situation is now, post drunken making out, i felt kind of "obligated" to go on a date with this guy to at leats give him a chance so to speak. but you know, i told myself...i'm not getting any younger, i'm not dating anyone now, and he's not bad looking and he's a nice guy... why not? unfortunately, there's the chemistry question. now, i guess this is hard for some people to understand... but the way i see it is... that that night when i was half drunk, dancing (which i love) to good sexy music, and here was a boy receptive to me dancing with me... well like kahl said.... it looked like a britney spears video... and i was britney. but that's just play and that making out was play.... and then when your friends think they are helping out by leaving you two alone and non "cock-blocking".... what are you gonna do with the guy you're not "really" into? say... oh... i need to go home now? so we made out... but god... can we say 7th grade? he kissed like a dog once i was sober and could realize it. yuck!
so the next weekend, i went out on a "date" with him. i took him bowling and had dinner. now don't get me wrong, he was nice, we didn't have any strange uncomfortable silences... he would make a great friend. the problem ... the problem... is a question of chemistry. i have gone in depth about this so i won't here.... but chemistry is the all important factor... at least for me. there is simply something about guys i fall for that makes it OBVIOUS... to me.... that i'm attracted to him... for some reason. don't know what it is, but i know it when i feel it, and when i feel it, i make the other person know i'm into them very easily. i am not the best at subtlety if i like you... haha. our date ended in an amicable hug.... and everyone know what that means. siyonara!
but speaking of boys though, i have certainly defrosted a little in terms of getting "out there". maybe i am more of a summer fling love bug because since abouts my birthday i've hooked up more than i have in almost the preceeding year (or emotionally as i think of it... "Post-Ron" (my ex-bf)). maybe i am just getting randy from not getting any for months, but just in general, i'm much more laid back about just having a good time now too.... but in a way, there is still this yearning for something "more" in the back of my head. oh well, who know's... boyfriend number whatever might be just down the road! now i'm letting myself have a little fun til then.
my annual "gaycation" is coming up as well... can we say... boys?! heehee.
oh speaking about gaycation in key west... i can't wait also to be able to be in a tropical place and yes, to show off the bodily improvements i have been working on since the begginning of the year. now, its not all that mind you and remember i was really "fatso" from all the cake excesses of last year so there;s was really something i needed to work off. but i have really made progress and even my trainer friend kahl was surprised. i hope the results are further galvanizing the last few pounds or inches (actually my focus now is body fat %) before i reach my semi-target... my real target of being the "hottest" 30 year old i can be. getting through with my licensing exams and getting down to 14% body fat would be the greatest personal presents for my 30th by far! anyways... i can't wait to work on my "whole body" tan, taking my shirt off and showing my remaining fat rolls to anyone who wants to see them.... haha. of course, once i see teh bronzed muscle gods that i'm bound to be ogling at... maybe'll i'll rethink that taking your shirt off thing... haha!
any other news? hmmm, kahl and andy lately have been taking turns going back to the UK, which allows someinteresting behavior to sprout from the remaining one while the other one is gone. kahl seems to take the liberty to hang out with his "mates"... in a very very "straight" way... he really is quite straight acting i have to say! sexy.... haha. he gets loud and jovial, and loves to high five in a particularly masculine way. good fun... if you're just as drunk as he is! haha. andy on the other hand, also gets drunk and starts flirting with people left and right (but not doing anything but cock-teasing them). and he has the nerve to ask if he's acting inappropriately...well... yes, because what you are doing that you think is innocent, other people can read as a complete come on...and respond accordingly.... so who's to blame there. i mean, when you dance like a slut with a boy, he's bound to try to kiss you right... HAHA!! oh well.... they are still both massive good fun in different ways... and you know...a ctually hanging out with them sans the other is strangely refreshing... because they aren't so "uni-mind" then... that is "couple-mind". its that strange personality divide between singles and couples.
so anyways, i'm sure there are oodles of other things i should write about but i really can't think of any and this blog shouldn't get "too" long right. i mean... life... that's what it is. lots of little things flittering past, each moment unique like a snow-flake, and standing from far away you see patterns and understand the way things move sometimes, but in the midst of it, its just a blur.
et cetera..